Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Support "Birth" on Public Radio

Via an email, republished with permission:

Dear BOLD Supporters,

I want you to know about an exciting, empowering radio documentary called "Birth." Thin Air Media have produced an hour-long radio documentary on the practices and perceptions of birth in America that will be airing on public radio in March for Women's History month. Below is a summary of the documentary's objectives:

Starting with early perceptions, we move through the process of birth beginning before labor, continuing during labor, and following the actual event. With a multiplicity of voices woven with sound we examine the process of birth from an emotional, physical and philosophical perspective.

I have recently listened to "Birth" and find it a hopeful piece for women who want to tap into the power of giving birth. It also weaves facts about giving birth that will certainly help spark a national discussion on birth.

If you'd like to listen to this documentary on your local NPR station you need to BE BOLD and call the station so they know you're interested. And email all your friends and family encouraging them to call too! Public radio stations respond to listener requests. Many times excellent radio documentaries do not air on public radio stations because the station hasn't heard from any of their listeners requesting this topic.

To find out the contact details for your local station go to: www.npr.org/stations

To learn more about the radio documentary "Birth" and to listen to an excerpt from the documentary go to: http://www.thinairmedia.org/birth.html

Thank you for Being BOLD. I hope everyone has a chance to listen to this excellent documentary.


Karen Brody
playwright, Birth
Artistic/Executive Director
Birth On Labor Day (BOLD)

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