Wednesday, February 7, 2007

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Today is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. According to the CDC, "The primary goal of NBHAAD is to motivate African Americans to get tested and know their HIV status; get educated about HIV/AIDS; get involved in their local community; and get treated if they are currently living with HIV or are newly diagnosed."

  • HIV/AIDS and African Americans - CDC
  • Fact Sheet: HIV/AIDS among African Americans - CDC
  • What African Americans Can Do - CDC, prevention information
  • National HIV Testing Resources - searchable database of testing sites in the U.S.
  • National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day - campaign site, includes information on "Blacks and HIV/AIDS" and getting tested, registration and supplies for local events, and the NBHAAD blog.
  • African American HIV/AIDS Program - American Red Cross. According to the website, "The African American HIV Education and Prevention Instructor Course" addresses public health concerns for African American communities in the area of HIV prevention. It is designed by African Americans for African Americans. The course trains instructors to deliver culturally sensitive and culturally specific HIV education and prevention. Instructors learn how to facilitate community sessions using a series of activities including role plays, brainstorming, practice and demonstrations. The sessions help participants build critical skills towards preventing the spread of HIV. These skills include decision-making, problem solving, negotiation and refusal."
  • The Balm in Gilead - " For 18 years, The Balm In Gilead has mobilized The Black Church Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS, which engages Black churches to become centers for education, compassion and care in the fight against HIV/AIDS."
  • Events Recognize National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day - Kaiser Network, with list of events, statements, and opinion/editorial pieces on the day
  • National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness and Information Day: February 7 - Office of Minority Health
  • National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS
  • National Minority AIDS Council
  • Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Diagnoses of HIV/AIDS --- 33 States, 2001--2004 - CDC, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
  • Mobilizing against the HIV/AIDS crisis among African Americans
  • Living with HIV/AIDS - CDC, tips for patients
  • AIDSInfo - lots of patient-friendly information, a glossary of terms, etc. Also has special page set up on National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 2007
  • HIV: Coping with the Diagnosis -
  • YOUR RIGHTS AS A PERSON WITH HIV INFECTION OR AIDS - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights
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