Tuesday, February 20, 2007

PG-13 Players Needs Actors

Planned Parenthood of Middle & East Tennessee is looking for teen actors to join its Teen Theatre Troupe and Peer Education Group, the PG-13 Players, a peer education theatre troupe that develops and performs skits on various teen issues such as teen pregnancy, depression, dating violence, etc. Participants must be entering 9th-12th grades in the 2007/08 school year. Auditions are by appointment only on the evenings of March 13th, 14th, and 20th. Contact Kayce Matthews at 345-0952 ext. 218.

From the PPMET website:
The PG-13 Players program combines peer education with theatre to help young people deal with teen issues. Cast members, about 15 per year, are high school teens from throughout the Nashville area.

Each summer, the PG-13 Players receive intensive training in both dramatic skills and teen-related issues. They hear from community experts on more than 15 topics, including HIV/STDs, refusal skills, communication, dating violence, eating disorders, and healthy relationships. The peer educators use this information to develop skits which bring teen issues to life.

The goal of the PG-13 Players is not to give out easy answers, but to enable teens to struggle with the realities of teen life, rehearsing the skills they need to cope with difficult situations.

The Players perform throughout the school year at schools, religious organizations, and youth-serving agencies. During the performance, the situations presented are left unresolved, leaving characters facing tough decisions. After each skit, the actors remain in character for discussion with the audience. Audience members talk to the characters as they struggle with their dilemmas. These conversations with the characters enable young audience members to rehearse decision-making and communication skills, thereby taking the education to a deeper, more personalized level.

The PG-13 Players is supported through private contributions, and grants from:

* The National Council of Jewish Women, Nashville Section
* United Way of Metropolitan Nashville
* Tennessee Department of Health

Each PG-13 Players performance lasts from 45 to 90 minutes according to your group's needs.

Performances are available in the Nashville area only.

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