Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Reminder: Motherland Afghanistan Airs Tonight

Motherland Afghanistan, on the state of women's healthcare in Afghanistan and one man's attempt to help in the crisis, airs tonight on your PBS station.

Update: After watching the film, you may wish to take a moment to contact your Senators/Representative to ask them to support the Afghan Women Empowerment Act of 2007, which would include the authorization of $30,000,000 (each fiscal year 2008-2010) "for grants to Afghan women-led nonprofit organizations to support activities including the construction, establishment, and operation of schools for married girls and girls' orphanages, vocational training and human rights education for women and girls, health care clinics for women and children, programs to strengthen Afghan women-led organizations and women's leadership, and to provide monthly financial assistance to widows, orphans, and women head of households." The legislation also includes monetary support for the Afghan Ministry of Women's Affairs and the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission.

The Feminist Majority Foundation has a letter of support all set up for you, which will automatically identify your Congressional representatives.

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