Thursday, February 15, 2007

NYC Condoms - Get Some

As mentioned in a previous post, New York City gave out 150,000 free condoms in the subways for Valentine's Day. The free condom extravaganza doesn't end there - the city has established the NYC Condom website, which provides info on the numerous locations in the city where free city-branded condoms can be obtained, including bars, hair salons, health departments, and even a dry cleaner. Organizations can order online to receive condoms for distribution. The New York Times has an article on the initiative, and you can also read the Health Department's press release. I'd love to see more cities take such a proactive approach to condom distribution.

Warning: This site mucks up the operation of Firefox for me, so I have to close the window to get back to other tabs. Your mileage may vary.

PS - Who wants to send me some? :)

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