Wednesday, February 7, 2007

In Support of Amanda & Melissa

It's stand up for bloggers day in the wake of the Edwards campaign blogging "scandal." My contribution.

Dear John Edwards,

If you did your homework before hiring your bloggers, and approved of their work, you should stand by them. If you are cowed into firing them because the Catholic League says you should, you don't have what it takes to be President.

If didn't do your homework before hiring your bloggers, and had not even the slightest notion that they might be criticized at the speed of electrons all across the tubes, you also don't have what it takes to be President.

As you "weigh their fate," consider what it suggests about what your own should be. I'm looking forward to seeing just what kind of stuff you're made of.


[Background info here]

Update: Two (almost) official thumbs down to Edwards, who has allegedly fired the bloggers.
Update 2: Amanda and Melissa are not fired. Or they're unfired. Or something.

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