Thursday, March 8, 2007

International Women's Day

Today is International Women's Day and Blog Against Sexism Day, and I've decided to dedicate my commemorative post to online resources dealing with international women's health issues.

World Health Organization:
  • Statement by Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General, on the occasion of International Women's Day
  • Sexual Violence
  • Women and HIV/AIDS
  • Gender and Other Health Topics
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Female Genital Mutilation

  • Amnesty International: Stop Violence Against Women
  • Black Women's Health Imperative - primarily US, addresses health disparities
  • Center for Reproductive Rights
  • Doctors Without Borders
  • EngenderHealth
  • Global Alliance for Women's Health
  • Global Health Council
  • Guttmacher Institute
  • Human Rights Watch: Women's Human Rights
  • International Women's Health Coalition
  • Latin American and Caribbean Women's Health Network
  • MADRE: An International Women's Human Rights Organization, and MADRE's report on gender-based violence in Iraq
  • Our Bodies, Ourselves: Global Women's Health and Global Access to Birth Control
  • Planned Parenthood - Where we work internationally
  • Safe Motherhood
  • Stop Rape Now
  • UNICEF: Child protection from violence, exploitation and abuse
  • United Nations Development Fund for Women
  • WomenWatch: United Nations Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality
  • Women's Global Health Imperative
  • World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action
  • The Youth Coalition
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