Friday, March 9, 2007

International Women's Day Redux

As a follow-up to my previous post on International Women's Day, here is a selection of past posts related to non-U.S. women's health. Many of them make mention of news stories, films, or situations that are worth a look.

Frontline Program on Sex Slaves - information on the program covering human trafficking (including a link to a complete transcript), as well as links to organizations fighting trafficking and sexual slavery.

The Unfortunate Experiment - information on an unethical experiment in New Zealand that deliberately let cervical cancer go untreated in numerous women, often without their knowledge.

On Giving Birth in Iraq - information from and link to Washington Post story on the barriers women face when giving birth in Iraq
On Giving Birth in Iraq, Part II - follow-up link to Morning Edition with reporter's perspective on his wife's birth experience in Iraq.

One to Watch: Motherland Afghanistan - review of a documentary highlighting the broken state of maternity care in Afghanistan with links to the film's website and related resources.
Reminder: Motherland Afghanistan Airs Tonight - includes information on the Afghan Women Empowerment Act of 2007.

The Women of El Salvador - information from and links to a New York Times Magazine piece on El Salvador's complete ban on abortion.

Global Unsafe Abortion Resources - overview and links to additional resources.

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