Thursday, July 1, 2010

July Newsletter: Summer Time - Get Your Fresh Veggies

Wow! July already! Time to get outside and get that natural Vitamin D along with your healthy fruits and vegetables right from the garden!

As I like to say, you can’t make this stuff up! Apparently I suffer from a new mental disease called orthorexia nervosa. This was written up in England’s The Guardian and is used to describe people with “healthy eating disorder”! To read all about it click here:

One of the areas where I am growing my practice is the ability to work with out of town clients. With my new meal plans program and some new high quality supplement providers it makes is easy to work with people throughout the US. One of these new providers – BioPharma Scientific is highlighted below.

So, if you know anyone who could use some nutritional help, please pass along me name and information!

Gluten Free and Dairy Free Meal Plans

Over the past few months I’ve been mentioning that I now provide meal plans. I have several weeks of gluten free and dairy free eating. Gluten and dairy are two of the foods that many people are sensitive to. By following a gluten and dairy free diet for this short period of time most people will feel better and get relief from a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms. If you’ve ever wondered if you have a gluten or dairy sensitivity, this is a great way to find out. For more details, give me a call or send an e-mail. For a sample day of the diet click here:

Man Eating Plants?

Several months ago I attended the Weston Price Foundation annual conference and spent a very interesting day on the learning tract entitled “plant toxins”. While we are not exactly dealing with Audrey II the man eating plant of the Little Shop of Horrors, there is definitely some very important and useful information to understand about naturally occurring chemicals in plants that may be toxic to some people. Think about it – a plant is a living being and just like you and I, wants to survive. To learn all about phytates, protease inhibitors, the nightshade family, and oxalates continue to my blog:

Introducing BioPharma Scientific

I’m always on the outlook for new and reputable products. One of my best sources for new products comes from other natural practitioners – so thank you to Dr. Ray Bisesi, DC for introducing me to BioPharma. The products I recommend are the NanoGreens and NanoReds – specifically designed for people who want to boost their consumption of anti-oxidants and for those who just plain don’t like to eat their fruits and veggies. Yes, I prefer that you eat your fruits and veggies, but not everyone listens!

What I also like about these products is that you can order them direct from the company through a web site. This allows me to provide improved and quicker service to my out of town and out of state clients. One tip with these – if you are consuming them just with water they taste better with a little squeeze of lemon juice! Check them out (and better yet, try some) at

Have a great holiday weekend and a wonderful healthy month!


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