Thursday, November 12, 2009

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Q: I was just wondering if you knew of any cook books or websites specifically aimed toward correct vegetarian diets? I am trying to avoid processed foods as much as possible as well as all meats, but due to the fact that I am so picky and don't eat a wide variety of foods, I'm concerned about getting and maintaining my correct nutrition levels.

A: Thanks for the question! I think your new nutritional efforts are great! Here is the best way I know to eat healthy and add to a very healthy lifestyle: The Anti-inflammatory Diet.

A very helpful link is noted below. It is quite technical talking about ratios of different food categories to provide a nutritionally balanced diet. The basic tenets: Eat two servings of fresh or frozen vegetables and/or fruit for each meal. Try to eat more vegetables than fruit and of varying colors. Eat low-fat protein with each meal. Cook foods and eat bread with extra-virgin olive oil or canola oil. Try to eat at least 2 servings of fish per week; if not, take a fish-oil supplement or a plant-based (algae) omega-3-fatty acid supplement.

Here is the helpful link:

Hope that helps!

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