Saturday, March 8, 2008

Camp has a part of my heart


Because there I met my husband. As well as a couple of the best friends that we have.

So it's no wonder I look back on camp with such fond memories.

I've been working on our scrapbook from the times when we were just dating (yes, I know...I'm a little late) and have been going through college and camp pics and feeling awful nostalgic. It was such a simpler time in my life. I lived to ride and have fun in all aspects. I was a lot skinnier, a lot (natural) blonder, a lot less burdened with responsibility.That place really did change my life. Not in that I turned around from a bad kid to a wonderful, caring person because I always was that way. Instead, I met my husband there and changed the course of my path from a career woman to a woman who was quite happy getting married and staying in the state. 3 kids later, I'm still here, sitting across the living room from that man who showed me love for the first time. So, while it's different than it was then, that's not necessarily bad either, is it? (this is a bad was stuck in my frame, so it's taken through glass)

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