Childbirth Connection
Childbirth Connection provides a wealth of information for both women and healthcare professionals to enable them to "make informed maternity care decisions." The section for women provides consumer-friendly information on choosing a caregiver and birth setting, labor support, labor pain, and other issues. It outlines a list of rights for pregnant women, a free online book - "A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth," recommended resources, and news items. The section of the site for healthcare providers addresses evidence-based maternity care, including evidence columns and systematic reviews on pregnancy and childbirth topics.
National Advocates for Pregnant Women
The NAPW describes its work as "to secure the human and civil rights, health and welfare of all women, focusing particularly on pregnant and parenting women, and those who are most vulnerable - low income women, women of color, and drug-using women. NAPW seeks to ensure that women do not lose their constitutional and human rights as a result of pregnancy, that addiction and other health and welfare problems they face during pregnancy are addressed as health issues, not as crimes; that families are not needlessly separated, based on medical misinformation; and that pregnant and parenting women have access to a full range of reproductive health services, as well as non-punitive drug treatment services. " The group works via public education. legal advocacy, and organizing; the website provides information on these activities and outlines the NAPW's stance on issues such as abortion and contraception restrictions, drug addiction, workplace discrimination, and other topics. NAPW launched a blog on March 21st.
Women's Human Rights Net
WHRnet provides information on current issues in global human rights for women.
Technorati Tags: childbirth; human rights; pregnancy
MeSH Tags: Human Rights; Parturition; Pregnancy
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