Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Random Blather

Well, Chuck got the letter yesterday that he did not get the job on days. So that also means I didn't get the promotion onto nights. Ah, well, I know that there is a master plan that I may not be aware of so that must mean that something better is out there waiting for both of us. We'll see. But he did stay home from work last night and it was SOO wonderful having him around in the evening and helping with the boys and doing the dishes when I gave the boys their bath. *sigh* Someday we'll be a family during the week. Somedays I really wish I didn't have to work. That I could stay home with the boys and do crafts and take naps with them, and clean the house for my husband. Then they act like crazy monkeys (like they did last night) and I'm kinda glad that I get to escape for a little while and go to work. But I can't always dodge the guilt. And it's been almost 4 years since I had Zachary and started working again. I guess that mommy guilt never completely goes away.

I caved. I know. I'm horrible. Ash Wednesday I stated I was giving up pop and sweets. And I thought it was ambitious. And it was. I couldn't handle it anymore. So I decided I will give up the pop and work on healthier eating but not necessarily cutting out all sweets. Just eating them when I feel the need to eat them and not eat them at any other time. I feel like if I deny myself certain things I end up craving them beyond all belief. So I figured that if I decided to just eat healthy, then sometimes I can have a cupcake after dinner if I haven't indulged the rest of the day. So we'll see how that goes. As of last weekend, I had lost 2 lbs. So something must be working!

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