Happy February – we’re almost half way through winter and spring is just around the corner. Here in Milwaukee we’re getting our first blizzard in quite a few years as I write this month’s newsletter.
It’s been an exciting year so far as I recently received a surprise honor and a new certification. First the surprise honor - Milwaukee Magazine ran a feature article called The New Healers in its February issue. They named the top 43 practitioners in 14 categories of complementary and alternative medicine who were nominated and selected by their peers. I was selected as one of two Nutritionists. Here’s a link to the article, unfortunately you can’t get the whole article unless you purchase the magazine, but for those of you in the area you can usually find someone who has it! http://www.milwaukeemagazine.com/currentIssue/full_feature_story.asp?newMessageID=26053
And now the new certification – as many of you know I have been a student of Rod Stryker for almost ten years and have done many trainings with him. I am pleased and proud to announce that I am now officially a ParaYoga Level II Certified Teacher!
Another exciting announcement is my participation in InWellness. It is a greater Milwaukee area membership network of health and wellness practitioners and clients. The goal Is to make holistic health more available to and understood by the community. To learn more about InWellness http://inwellnesstoday.com/about.php.
I have a few events this month. February 17 is a talk on Healthy Again at the Mequon Rec Center. February 19 is a discussion on how to get the excess Sugar and Salt Out of your diet at the Port Washington Rec Center. Also, on the weekend of February 25 and 26 my friend Tanya Sowards from Minneapolis is presenting some great workshops on Thai Yoga at YogaOne in Cedarburg. And, I’m teaching a Yoga Basics class at YogaOne on Wednesday nights at 7:30.
For my full schedule of events http://brwellness.blogspot.com/2010/05/rosen-wellness-news-and-events.html
To read more about Tanya’s workshops https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/home.asp?studioid=3392
Good Stuff From Great Nutritionists
I’m proud to call two of the country’s great nutritionists Ann Louise Gittleman and Jonny Bowden my friends. This past month they each authored some excellent blogs that address questions I get asked all the time. In case you missed them here they are:
1. Is it okay to cheat on a diet? http://jonnybowdenblog.com/why-i-dont-believe-in-cheat-day/
2. How often should I eat? http://jonnybowdenblog.com/eat-every-three-hours/
3. What should I eat and when? http://www.annlouise.com/blog/2011/01/24/eat-breakfast-like-a-pauper/
Nutrient of the Day
Over the last few weeks I’ve been running a new feature on my Rosen Wellness Blog called the Nutrient of the Day. Each day, well actually on most days, I post a brief article on a different nutrient. Here’s links to my four favorites:
Vitamin B12: http://brwellness.blogspot.com/2011/01/vitamin-b12.html
Vitamin C: http://brwellness.blogspot.com/2011/01/vitamin-c-ascorbic-acid-is-not-vitamin.html
Calcium: http://brwellness.blogspot.com/2011/01/calcium.html
Vitamin B1 - Thiamine: http://brwellness.blogspot.com/2011/01/vitamin-b1-thiamine.html
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