Happy New Year! May it be both happy and healthy for you and your loved ones. First off I’d like to thank all of you for your support this past year. My business grew over 20% and given the generally poor economy for most of the year I am very pleased with that. But even more so, I am pleased with the successes of my clients and their moves to healthier lifestyles.
Since it is that time of year I have two resolutions for the year with respect to Rosen Wellness. They both revolve around providing the best service to my clients and readers. The first one is to continue to expand my capabilities and certifications to help my clients through training and education. You can read the article below about my planned trainings for 2011. The second resolution is to begin what I’ll call “Health Club” – a monthly open forum meeting for clients which I’ll tell you more about next month.
For those of you in the Milwaukee area pick up the January issue of M Magazine. It is their wellness issue and I am featured in one of the articles!
I’ll be starting the year off with a series of workshops in Sonoma, California, so if you are in the area please join me. I’ll also be doing a Nutrition Boot Camp Part 1 in Port Washington. For a complete list of workshops click here Workshops.
Strategies for Successful and Sustained Weight Loss
One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight and adapt a healthier lifestyle. Each year we tell ourselves “this is the year I’ll do it.” The health clubs are jammed with others making the same resolution. You see all your friends and co-workers. There are lines of people waiting to use the stepping machines and the exercise bikes. Then, as it happens every year, by the middle of February the crowds are gone and the few faithful remain.
If you are like most people, at first you were successful, feeling good, and had dropped a few pounds. You cut back on your drinking, were choking down salads at lunch, skipped a meal here and there, swore off desserts, and worked out hard at the gym. But now you’ve hit the dreaded “plateau” and the pounds are no longer flying off. You’re starting to get discouraged and the old habits start to creep back in. You have a beer or wine, cheat a little bit at lunch, have a dessert, skip a workout, and before you know it, all the weight you worked so hard to lose is back on and perhaps a few more bonus pounds. Unfortunately you are not alone. This is how over 95% of all diets end. However, there is another outcome. If you read on you’ll learn how you can get lasting results.
Full Article - Secrets to Successful and Sustaining Weight Loss
My New Year’s Resolutions – New Certifications and Training
I have to admit - I enjoy what I do. One of my main reasons for leaving the corporate world was to have a more rewarding career – where I could truly help people improve their lives. When most people think of nutrition consulting they think of weight loss. While that certainly is a big part of it (particularly in January), I find what I do frequently is more like detective work. For many of my clients weight loss is not their main issue. Many of them have digestive or hormonal issues or something that “isn’t quite right” that their doctor can’t explain. While I have a variety of tools to use in my analysis, I’m always looking to learn new stuff.
This year I’ll begin two new trainings. The first is a Certified Clinician in Whole Food Nutrition (CCWFN) from the International Foundation for Nutrition and Health (IFNH). To read more about the IFNH click here IFNH. To read about the program click here Whole Foods Nutrition Certification.
The second is Nutrition Response Testing, better known as muscle testing. I will be learning this in March and am quite excited about it. The program is through Ulan Nutritional Services, one of the leaders in teaching this information. Ulan Nutritional Services/.
The Page Diet
One of the eating plans taught by the IFNH (see above) is the Page Diet Plan. It seeks to balance body chemistry through a whole foods diet. Of course one of the “side effects” of this is weight loss. If you’d like to read about this diet, follow this link Page Diet Plan.
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