Sunday, January 30, 2011

Excuse me,,,Can men have multiple orgasms?

Central to the concept of male multiple orgasms is the confusion between ejaculation and orgasm in men. Because most men tend to orgasm easily and for most young men ejaculation is also a routine response to sexual stimulation, most people cannot differentiate between orgasm and ejaculation which are 2 separate physiological and psychological experiences. It is only when men learn to separate them that it is possible to have more than one orgasm for each ejaculation.

In other words, having multiple orgasms for a man does not mean having multiple ejaculations in a lovemaking session. It is learning to control your ejaculation and hold it back while you experience several non-ejaculatory orgasms.
Some people advocate using Kegel exercises to strengthen the PC muscles to control ejaculation. There is a valve on the prostrate that switches on and off before urination and ejaculation. The PC muscle stops this valve from opening, allowing an orgasm without ejaculation. The idea is to keep doing this 5 to 6 times in a row by squeezing your PC muscle and holding it for a few seconds and breathe in deeply whenever you feel you are almost quite close to the point of letting go during your masturbation session.

Often the key to sexual satisfaction is not about numbers such as size or how long should you last. It is more about understanding yourself and your partner’s desires and finding out how your partner likes to be aroused and this applies to both men and women. If you want to get more inspiring ideas on how to achieve greater sexual satisfaction in your love life

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