Friday, November 9, 2007

Random Blather for a Friday night

Hey, it's still Friday for me because I'm still at work! This is a collection of my thoughts tonight.

**$9.00 is a LOT of money to be paying for a MIX that makes 2 dozen cookies that aren’t all that spectacular. Regardless if it was for my sons school fundraiser. Chuck informed me that it’s very jewish to be complaining about the quality of a charity. Tough shit! I wanted good cookies and lots of em!

**I’m uber excited about tonight (it’s Friday! Chuck can wait up for me!)

**I need to start working on the design for my tramp stamp now if I’m going to get it in April. I had it all decided on back before I had a daughter, now I need to redesign it. Plus, I’ve been asked if I’d rather have another piercing instead…or maybe with. Ahhhhh, the decisions!

**Why is it that I would never eat a whole jalapeno pepper, but stuff it with cream cheese and deep fry it and then dip it in Bronco Berry sauce and it’s super yumm-o? Which brings me to other fried foods…like a frinkie. For those not in the know, that is a fried twinkie. Because a twinkie just isn’t filled with enough un-healthiness they had to fry it. (It’s not that great. I had to try it once.)

**I have been really reminiscent for camp recently. I think about my days out at camp, and while short, were some of the best days of my life (along with my college days of course). I met some really good friends and my husband while I was at camp. And life was so much easier. Carefree….and naughty. I think I might do a camp post and put up some pics from my days on the ranch.

**OMG, I just had to fish a jalapeno piece out of the bronco berry sauce…I won’t tell you what that looked like.

**I’m seriously sucking at my exercise for the month. I had a friend come over yesterday and saw my to-do list on my white board. She asked “you’re exercising now?” I said “Nope. That’s why that part isn’t crossed off”. *sigh* I’ve not given up hope yet though.

**I understand the concept behind the diva cup. I understand that I use cloth diapers and use them over and over again. But I cannot get over the ick factor of the diva cup. Seriously. It’s just gross.

**If you haven’t seen the Polar Express 3-D on IMAX…do it! It was amazing. They are showing it from Nov. 2 to Nov. 15 in our city…I might consider taking the boys again this year.

**I left my stupid breast pump parts at home again tonight so my boobs are uber huge. And I’m wearing a low-cut blouse that I’m literally spilling out of. My poor co-workers.

Blog-check, Water-6/8 hopefully 2 more on the way home, Exercise-None

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