Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Wow...how time flies...

When you're on vacation!

Well, at least a vacation from work! Chuck and I both took off the 3 days between Christmas and New Years so that we could have 11 days off and only use 24 hours of annual leave. It has been ABSOLUTELY wonderful being home together; however, I wish we could have gotten more done. But, considering it is the holidays...and that always means visiting tons of relatives and seeing friends we don't see too often...I should have known better.

One good thing about being off from work is that I've reconnected with my husband. Or at least I feel like I have. Sex is good again. Okay, not to say it was BAD before because when we have it its always good, but it's just never abundant enough for me. Considering we work opposite schedules we don't have too much of an opportunity. Being off together, we've taken lots of opportunities. YAY!

Bad thing is...I realize I really don't want to go back to work. At least not where I am now. I'm dreading going back tomorrow. And in some ways, I'm thinking that maybe I don't want to go back at all. I think I could handle being a SAHM. Even though we could never afford it. I've always thought I would go crazy...but with Zachary in preschool, and me not working nights, I would be having some extra sleep, some alone time with Lucas, and naptimes to myself to catch up on things considering that I got household stuff done while they were up playing. *sigh* All wishful thinking though.

But then again, during this 11 day period I think we've been sleeping at home for like 4 nights. The rest of the time, we've spent seeing Shannon, Barb and Logan; Matt and Karen; my parents; Chuck's parents. And spending the night wherever we go. We've come home, slept, repacked the bag in the morning and left again. But it's been kinda fun. I had an AWESOME time seeing Matt and Karen....there's something so comfortable with them. Granted, Matt, Chuck and I go WAAAY back but I like Karen too. I guess that's what makes it different. I usually don't like my guy friend's wives or girlfriends. But Karen is cool...easy to talk to, down to earth and smart. I like those traits. We played some game with them and it was so much fun...I honestly can't remember the last time we had couple time and spent time as COUPLES doing interactive stuff. I know Chuck throughly enjoyed himself too.

So, now we start a new year...and I hope we can keep connections with our friends better than we did in the last year. They do a body good.

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