Over the holidays, I watched the video of my sister-in-law's c-section. I was rather surprised that my brother-in-law was allowed to film it, as so many hospitals now refuse to allow the filming of births, particularly to avoid creating evidence for malpractice suits. This was a c-section resulting from several complications, and the video shows a bit of the preparation, the entire procedure, and the early resuscitation efforts on my nephew, who is fine now, but was floppy, unresponsive, and silent at the time. Meanwhile, I'm told by a colleague that the hospital where I work, which technically allows filming of births in its official policies, does not allow it in practice. I've been thinking that, should I ever become pregnant, having the option to film is both realistically and symbolically important to me. So I ask, would the ability to film a birth affect your or your partner's choice of hospital or other birthing facility? On a related note, does knowing that your chosen facility does not allow filming reduce your confidence in the facility?
(My apologies if the poll looks crazy; this is my first use of addpoll.)
Update: It occurred to me that I should clarify that you don't have to be pregnant or have had a child to respond to this poll - it's about your intentions and what influences them. Also, perhaps I should have added an option for, "No, I think filming a birth is icky." :)
Previous related posts: Hospitals Prohibit Videos of Childbirth; More Bans on Photography and Videotaping During Labor and Delivery
Technorati Tags: birth; childbirth; filming; hospitals; poll; video
MeSH Tags: Delivery Rooms; Motion Pictures OR Photography; Parturition
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