Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Search Request Roundup #2

This is the second installment of Search Request Roundup, in which I look at recent searches that led to my blog and provide some information on the desired topics.

  • Symptoms of Pregnancy: has this nice overview of early symptoms of pregnancy, which include tender, swollen breasts or nipples, fatigue, slight bleeding or cramping, nausea, frequent urination, constipation, dizziness, headaches, and other fun.

  • Uterine Penile Penetration: provides information on painful sexual intercourse (dypareunia), and says, "Women report the feeling that "something is being bumped into." The uterus may hurt if there are fibroid growths, the uterus is tilted or if the uterus prolapses (falls) into the vagina. Certain conditions or infections of the ovaries may also cause pain, especially in certain sexual positions. Past surgeries may leave scar tissue that can cause pain. Because the bladder and intestines are close to the vagina, they may also cause pain during sex." I could not find anything suggesting the penis could actually penetrate the uterus.

  • Women's Medical Check Up: It's hard to tell what this searcher wanted, but here are some charts explaining when certain health screenings should occur (parts 1 & 2), and a guide from Planned Parenthood on how to prepare for and what to expect during a gynecological exam.

  • Symptoms of Miscarriage: MedlinePlus has a good overview on miscarriage, covering symptoms, causes, signs, tests, and complications. The listed symptoms include low back or abdominal pain, bleeding, and/or tissue/clot-like material expelled from the vagina. The March of Dimes has more detailed information on causes of miscarriage.

  • Sexual Harrassment Laws: The EEOC provides information on federal sexual harrassment laws, which apparently only apply when there are 15 or more employees at a workplace...

  • What does FAAFP mean?: This "Degree of Fellow" credential is issued by the American Academy of Family Physicians to physicians "who have distinguished themselves among their colleagues, as well as in their communities, by their service to family medicine, by their advancement of health care to the American people, and by their professional development through medical education and research."

    Technorati Tags: ; ; ; ; ;
    MeSH Tags: Abortion, Spontaneous; Dyspareunia; Pregnancy; Sexual Harrassment/legislation and jurisprudence
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