A couple of things of note from the last few weeks:
11/05: The CDC released preliminary data for 2004 on infant and maternal health. Among the findings: 1) the rate of c-section delivery rose 6% to be 29.1% of all births, reaching the highest level ever reported in the US, and a 40+% increase since 1996; 2) no improvements in timely receipt of prenatal care was found; 3) the rate of vaginal birth after cesarean has declined 67% since 1996.
11/29/05: Mother Jones has put together a timeline of activities related to emergency contraception, with links to the text of press releases, statements, news articles, and legislation relevant to the drug and the controversy over over-the-counter access.
12/6/05: The legislature of Virginia has moved to allow certified professional midwives to legally practice in the state.
12/22/05: Feministing.com points out some rather offensive T-shirts with slogans such as "It ain't rape if she ain't awake," "By reading this you consent to oral sex," "Stop rape. Consent," "Slept my way to the top," and "Abuse me." I'm all for free speech, but not so much for making money from having a laugh about sexual abuse.
Technorati Tags: childbirth; emergency contraception; midwifery; sexual abuse; vbac
MeSH Tags: Cesarean Section; Contraception, Postcoital; Midwifery; Sex Offenses; Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
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