We started off our Christmas by going to my little brothers on Dec. 22 for a big dinner with my immediate family. Both my brothers, my mom and dad and my nephews and niece were all there. Luckily, nothing catrosphic happened like rushing to the ER like last year.

On Christmas Eve, we have a huge dinner with just us. We always make a traditional meal from the country that we are studying and celebrating that year. (If you haven't heard of our tradition, read
about it here. ) This year we celebrated England and had a huge goose dinner with all the trimmings and the yummiest spice sponge pudding dessert ever. I think you could have gotten drunk off the rum butter if you'd eaten enough! Chuck did a fabulous job in the kitchen. He cooked pretty much the whole dinner alone and was in the kitchen from 10:30 am until dinner at 6 pm!

Lucas obviously likes the goose. He's always good for eating up the meat. Ah, my little carnivore.

In our small town, Santa makes an early stop to every home in town that has children. He stops by to do one last check if they've been good/bad and hand out net stockings filled with goodies from around town (cookies from McDonalds, pencil from the catering place, toothbrush from the dentist, you get the idea). It's something we look forward to.

Christmas Eve the kids also get to open one present. A nice new pair of pajamas to greet Christmas morning in! They were stoked to have Spiderman jammies.

Elizabeth got to open her present too. Of course, mommy helped a little.

Christmas Morning!!!! Luke was a little excited and surprised to get the OctoPark! He said "me been waiting for this FOREVER!"

Zachary thought his Star Wars Sith Starfighter was pretty neat too. Yes, that's his excited face.

E woke up after all the commotion had died down from the boys. I think she did it so that all the attention would be on her. ;) Here's her with her favorite present and playtoy...the bows!
We then ended our Christmases with traveling to visit Chuck's family on the 29th. We had another big dinner and the boys got to spend some time playing with their cousin Matthew (whom they adore!)
All in all, we had a wonderful Christmas season. We got to spend time together as a family and that is always the best gift anyone could give me. My 4 framed heart locket was a pretty good second though ;)
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