Hot on the tails of my last post about granny shoes, I hear this conversation this morning outside my bedroom door:
Lucas: Uh-oh! Grandma L left her shoes here.
Zachary: No, those are momma's new shoes.
Lucas: Nope, they're not. They are Grandma's shoes. They are for old ladies.
*cringe* So, there you have it. The kids even recognize them as granny shoes. Chuck, of course, thought it was hilariously funny.
Then Zachary. My dear sweet Zachary. *sigh* He made sure to tell me to not walk on the grate at the McDonald's because I was "WAAAAYYY TOOOO BIG" and could fall right through it. Then, later on in our trip to the dr's today, he told Daddy to make sure to tell him when I was coming because he didn't want to be smooshed.
Kids tell it like it is. And according to my kids, I'm a fat momma with granny shoes.
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