So we were camping for the last 6 days. Resort style camping, which if truth-be-told, I'm not 100% sold on yet. I don't like the sterile-ness of it, I guess. The feeling of being packed in like sardines (even though there wasn't anyone on our entire road!) there was picnic table after picnic table and only very small trees to be seen. Imagine a large corn field, with cable, WIFI, electricity, sewer, water and roads and you have the "camping" we did this last week.
However, I'm totally 100% sold on having a heated pool at the campground. So I guess you give some and you take some, right?
The boys had a great time and that's what really matters. I guess in the grand scheme of things whether I have a ton of trees around me isn't as important as seeing the ones I love having a good time and me not being at work. So that being said it was a successful camping trip, despite the windstorms, lightening, thunder, and torrential downpour that threatened to tear our trailer apart. Zachary sat up until at least 11 pm last night anxious as all get-out that the lightening would hit us and we would fry. He was sitting curled up in a little ball in the camp chair while Chuck and I tore down the screen tent. Poor kid. He did crash hard when he crashed.
But what I find weird is that I went 4 hours from my home to run into an old friend. She and I showed 4-H together...her younger brother is actually my age...and we really became more friendly because her cousin was my best friend from 3rd grade to 9th grade when she moved away. It was really cool to catch up on old times and find out what my bff was doing now (I lost touch with her when she went to Turkey to be a missionary) and to get to know one another as moms. She has three kids as well, 8, 6 and 4 and just backwards of mine...Boy and then 2 girls. Her son is also sooo similar to my was funny talking to her and saying "OMG! Zachary does that too!" Heartwarming and comforting to hear that we aren't the only ones going through it...not only with Zachary, but with the grandparents not really understanding, friends wondering whats wrong with your son, etc.
So, I guess my fortune cookie had more in store for me than I thought!
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