I'm exhausted. End of story.
The boys are on a new daycare/preschool schedule so they only go M/W/F but they go longer during the day. But this means I have them Tuesday and Thursday from the moment they wake up. Which is early.
Like 7:15 early.
I know, I know...some of you reading this are thinking "THAT's EARLY?" Well when you work nights that's dang early! Granted I'm getting out of work at 1 am now so that helps, but by time I get home and around and settle down enough to go to bed it's at least 2 am if not 2:30. *sigh* At least, so far (knock on wood), the boys have been chill in the morning...cuddling in bed with me, content to watch their PBS cartoons and let mommy sleep just a little bit more.
It amazes me at how much they've changed and grown in their short years. It wasn't too long ago that I had to do EVERYTHING for them and now, just this morning, Lucas got up into the cupboard (big no-no, but he does it anyway, little bugger) and got down a can of chicken noodle soup. Zachary then proceeded to use the manual can opener to open said can of soup, pour it into a pan-which he got out himself, pour in a can of water, and then put it on the stove. He then came to me and told me he was ready for me to turn the stove on.
I'm just marvel at the things my 4 year old can do. We give him a lot of leeway to do these things too...I think it's good for him to know how to do things like cook, bake, wash dishes, vacuum. :) Makes my job easier!
Tomorrow is gonna be a rough day at work. I'm dreading coming in and dealing with the backlash of the previous' posts issues. *sigh* At least I get to sleep in tomorrow!
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