Thursday, September 7, 2006

The Breast Cancer Site Needs Your Help (in just one click a day)

I received the following email from the folks at The Breast Cancer Site today:

We need your help. In recent months, we have experienced a drop in the number of clicks on the "Fund Free Mammograms" button, resulting in fewer working poor, homeless and uninsured women receiving the screening they need to detect breast cancer...

Every click on the pink button sends funding to the National Breast Cancer Foundation to pay for mammograms for women who cannot afford them. The more people who click, the more free mammograms we can fund. Early detection is crucial to surviving breast cancer. The bottom line: We need more clicks.

Please take a moment to forward the virtual walking shoes below to your friends and family. Ask them to take steps to fight breast cancer by visiting The Breast Cancer Site daily. Please forward this message today.

We can't do it without you! If you need help remembering your daily click, sign up for our free reminder service to receive a short text email message that includes a convenient link to

With your help we can help women win the race against breast cancer. Thank you for your support.


Tim Kunin & Greg Hesterberg
The Breast Cancer Site
Now, I don't know how dramatic the "recent months" statement really is. Click stats are available on the site, and do show some decrease. However, I just don't care. I come from non-profit work, and it's hard to keep people engaged. It's one click a day - go click to send funds to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, which "uses funds from the site specifically to provide free mammograms to minority, low-income and working-poor women living in inner cities across the United States." I'd like to see some of that money go to women in similar situations in rural areas as well, but I'm clicking anyway.

Note: affiliated with the site are one-click options related to hunger, child health, literacy, rainforests, and animal rescue.

Technorati Tags: ; ;
MeSH Tags: Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis; Charities; Mammography

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