Today is Valentine's Day. I figured what a better day than pay tribute to the man I love. And Why do I love him? Well, there are days I ask myself that very question. But, it always comes back to me.
1. Because he's a great dad. Just look at the love between him and Lucas in this photo that I got completely on accident. He's got a bond with his boys that most dads will never have in their entire life. For that, I LOVE him.
2. Because he loved me when I thought I was completely unloveable. When I thought, "OMG, why would anyone find me attractive?" I laid on his bed, naked no less, and he told me I was the most beautiful and sexiest woman he'd ever seen. And said it like he meant it...not like he said it just to get laid. For making me feel so special, I love him.
3. Because he is a sentimental sap. For Valentine's Day a few years ago he completely blew me away with champagne, fire in the fireplace, little thoughtful gifts, rose petals on the bed, a cd just for me and a hot bath....along with making dinner. On Sept 13, 2002, he gave me a card that said "One year ago today, you gave me a son. Thank you" That was one year to the day that I took the pregnancy test and realized I was pregnant with our first child. For him remembering little dates like that and taking the time to make those dates special for me, I love him.
4. Because he always tries to make things better for me. When I'm sad, he tries to make me laugh. When I'm mad, he tries to make me laugh. Actually, I guess he tries to make me laugh a lot. And sometimes, he's succeeds and sometimes I just want him to shut up and let me cry. But it means a lot to me that he cares so much that he TRIES to make me feel better. For that I love him.
5. Because he's sacrificed for our family. He hates his job. He hates seeing dr's and medicine. And yet, he does it because he knows its best for me and the boys. He would so rather be working at St. Vincent's and yet he couldn't make the money we needed, so he quit a job he loved in order to give the family the things we need. For that I love him.
6. Because he helps me keep grounded. He makes me see things realistically and keeps me from blowing up at stupid insensitive relatives. He's taught me some culture (ballet in London, anyone?). And yet, he still allows me to be myself and sit in front of sitcoms and veg when I want to and not force me to watch the History channel. For that, I love him.
7. Because he realizes how important it is for me to have me time. And that even though I sometimes forget that that also means that he needs HIM time, he still makes me go out with the girls, go get my hair done, go shopping by myself so that I can be alone. I love that he wants me to maintain my own personality and not be just mom and wife, but Lisa.
8. Because he is the best lover EVER. Honestly. There are wild nights and tender nights and yet I always know that he's there completely for me. I have never in my life felt more fulfilled after a good night of Chuck sex. Wow. Nuff said.
9. Because he's not a typical man. He cleans the house. He washes the dishes (WAY more often than I do). He has a hot dinner on the table every night when me and the boys get home. And it's usually WAY better than I could have cooked. He does the laundry and actually PUTS it away. And I don't say enough how MUCH I appreciate all that he does for us...and have the tendency to pick out the things that he DOESN'T do, instead of the things he does. And yet, he still plugs away and does them anyway. For that, I love him.
10. Because he completes me. I can never love him enough for that.
Thank you for loving me back. For all my short comings too. I know things are not always easy, and the road that we travel is very often rocky, but I love you dearly. I know that won't change and it will carry us through. I'm sorry that I don't tell you enough exactly how special you are to me.
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