Last Monday (Feb 20), I sent an email to my state Representative and Senator regarding my questions about the enforcement and implications of the proposed abortion legislation, House Bill 3199 and its companion Senate Bill 3402. As I had already put everything in writing in a previous post, I provided the post link, explained that I had outlined my questions about the bill, and asked for their response. The next day (Feb 21), I promptly received an email from the office of Representative John Hood (D), thanking me for my questions and suggesting that I contact the bill's sponsors with my inquiry. Kudos to Representative Hood's office for visiting the blog post and responding to my message in such a timely fashion.
The same day, I followed Rep. Hood's recommendation and emailed the bill's sponsors, Representative Nathan Vaughn (D) and Senator Rusty Crowe (R). To date (2/28) I have not received a response from either of the sponsors, or from my Senator, Jim Tracy (R). That is, I have not even received the cursory "thanks for your questions, we think our bill is important because..." response, and certainly have not had my questions answered. If you have contacted your legislators and received a response, I'd be interested in hearing from you. I'll post updates if the questions are addressed.
Technorati Tags: abortion; legislation; reproductive rights; Tennessee
MeSH Tags: Abortion, Induced/legislation and jurisprudence
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
The last 10 days????
So where have I been? I've been here. Plugging away at work. Trying desperately to keep my head above water at work and at home. I had my nights interview and Chuck had his days interview. Both went okay...not great but okay. We should hear this week. I've took a break from blogging because I was soooo upset over what happened last weekend and I didn't want that fight with my SIL to consume all my posts. So now I'm over it, and feel like I have more in my life that fighting and dealing with her.
Zachary is suprising me daily with the things that he's learning at preschool. My mom and dad watched him last weekend and Zachary spelled out MOM on his grandma's shirt and said "That spells MOM!" He spent a good portion of last night spelling out the words in the book with me and asking what the letters where if he didn't know and trying to figure out the words. I'm so proud of him! I'm still not very happy with his daycare, however, he's such a routine child I'm afraid of yanking him out right now since our job situation is a little up in the air. It's a very hard adjustment period for while the current "school" isn't making him take naps, they aren't harming him in any way either so we'll just let it ride for a couple of weeks. They are doing a great job getting him to know his letters, numbers and he can count backwards now too!!! That's a new skill! Oh, and on February 25 he learned to SNAP! He's so proud of himself :) Daddy has showed him a couple of times but this weekend it just clicked (pun intended!)
Lucas is saying more words and he says "dede" for Daddy, occassionally which is making daddy happy but still usually calls him Momma! He's turning into such a little man. Chuck went to the store today and got some fruits, veggies and milk. We still buy Vitamin D and Skim for Lucas and the other for Zachary. Chuck must be very emotional today because he was reminding me that in just a couple of months Lucas will be able to go to skim milk too. He then goes on to tell me that it will be a sad and momentous occassion because while we'll only have to buy one milk, it also means that there are no more babies in the house. I can't believe how grown up my little baby is getting. I went and got his hair cut and they shaved it off! I almost cried. Now, this is no where near his first hair cut, but I've always cut it in a little boy cut. Now it's super short. His soft baby hair is gone!!!! But he does look absolutely adorable with the cut and looks like such a man. I guess it's getting to Chuck too.
I started on an anti-depressant. And I'm pms'ing. Not a good combination. I'm exhausted. But I'm hoping that it will help. Along with taking the anti-anxiety meds when I NEED them. And I can tell when I need them! I can't wait till Spring...I'm so sick of the winter blahs. I want the kids to be able to play outside for more than 5 minutes. I want to see sunshine when I get out of work at night. I want to be able to talk a walk outside during my lunch hours. I want to sit on my deck and watch the birds wake up. *sigh* Only a couple more months.
Zachary is suprising me daily with the things that he's learning at preschool. My mom and dad watched him last weekend and Zachary spelled out MOM on his grandma's shirt and said "That spells MOM!" He spent a good portion of last night spelling out the words in the book with me and asking what the letters where if he didn't know and trying to figure out the words. I'm so proud of him! I'm still not very happy with his daycare, however, he's such a routine child I'm afraid of yanking him out right now since our job situation is a little up in the air. It's a very hard adjustment period for while the current "school" isn't making him take naps, they aren't harming him in any way either so we'll just let it ride for a couple of weeks. They are doing a great job getting him to know his letters, numbers and he can count backwards now too!!! That's a new skill! Oh, and on February 25 he learned to SNAP! He's so proud of himself :) Daddy has showed him a couple of times but this weekend it just clicked (pun intended!)
Lucas is saying more words and he says "dede" for Daddy, occassionally which is making daddy happy but still usually calls him Momma! He's turning into such a little man. Chuck went to the store today and got some fruits, veggies and milk. We still buy Vitamin D and Skim for Lucas and the other for Zachary. Chuck must be very emotional today because he was reminding me that in just a couple of months Lucas will be able to go to skim milk too. He then goes on to tell me that it will be a sad and momentous occassion because while we'll only have to buy one milk, it also means that there are no more babies in the house. I can't believe how grown up my little baby is getting. I went and got his hair cut and they shaved it off! I almost cried. Now, this is no where near his first hair cut, but I've always cut it in a little boy cut. Now it's super short. His soft baby hair is gone!!!! But he does look absolutely adorable with the cut and looks like such a man. I guess it's getting to Chuck too.
I started on an anti-depressant. And I'm pms'ing. Not a good combination. I'm exhausted. But I'm hoping that it will help. Along with taking the anti-anxiety meds when I NEED them. And I can tell when I need them! I can't wait till Spring...I'm so sick of the winter blahs. I want the kids to be able to play outside for more than 5 minutes. I want to see sunshine when I get out of work at night. I want to be able to talk a walk outside during my lunch hours. I want to sit on my deck and watch the birds wake up. *sigh* Only a couple more months.
Monday, February 27, 2006
I wanted to pay a tribute to mothers, mine in particular, since today is her birthday! My mom is really one of my absolute bestest friends. I know I can always go to her with anything, and always have been able to. Especially during the last 7-8 months, when our lives have been in so much turmoil, she's been there for all of us. Without judging anybody. I can never be more grateful for that. I found this little poem and have kept it for the last year or so, waiting for the moment to use it. I can't think of a better time to post it and remind ourselves of how important mothers are to us...and how important my mom is to me.
You can only have one Mother
Patient, kind, and true
No other friend in all this world
Will be so true to you
For all her loving kindness
She asks nothing in return
If all the world deserts you
To Mother you can turn.
Many tears you have caused her
When you were sad and ill,
Maybe many sleepless nights
Tho grown, you cause her still,
So every time you leave her
Or when you come, and go,
Give her a kind word and a kiss
'Tis what she craves I know.
You can only have one Mother
No one else can take her place
You can't tell how you'll need her
Till you miss her loving face
Be careful how you answer her
Choose every word you say,
Remember, she's your Mother
Tho now she's old and gray.
You can only have one Mother
Oh, take her to your heart
You cannot tell how soon the time
When you and she must part,
Let her know you love her dearly
Cheer and comfort her each day
You can never get another
When she has passed away
You can only have one Mother
Patient, kind, and true
No other friend in all this world
Will be so true to you
For all her loving kindness
She asks nothing in return
If all the world deserts you
To Mother you can turn.
Many tears you have caused her
When you were sad and ill,
Maybe many sleepless nights
Tho grown, you cause her still,
So every time you leave her
Or when you come, and go,
Give her a kind word and a kiss
'Tis what she craves I know.
You can only have one Mother
No one else can take her place
You can't tell how you'll need her
Till you miss her loving face
Be careful how you answer her
Choose every word you say,
Remember, she's your Mother
Tho now she's old and gray.
You can only have one Mother
Oh, take her to your heart
You cannot tell how soon the time
When you and she must part,
Let her know you love her dearly
Cheer and comfort her each day
You can never get another
When she has passed away
Friday, February 24, 2006
A Poll for the Ladies
A few days ago, I came across Twisty's post on male OB/GYNs - she doesn't like them. An acquaintance had referred her to the online archives of the OB-GYN-L discussion list, where OB/GYNs were discussing the topic of women who prefer that their gynecological care providers not be men (see the "Sad but true" threads). Many of the male docs seemed to think it was prejudiced and ignorant for women to prefer female providers. Twisty discovered such gems of comments there such as, "My mother fixed this problem when I was born and named me Lynn. Many a woman has been quite shocked when a 6′4″ male walks into the exam room. When they say they thought I was a woman, I simply respond by saying, 'too late now.'" One female doc was told she should get out more when she repeatedly argued the point that some women are simply more comfortable with other women for this type of intimate care, and their choices should be respected rather than belittled.
Personally, I tend to choose women as healthcare providers, because I often choose nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners, who are mostly women. I appreciate the more personal approach they bring to care, and find that they tend to keep me more informed during the actual exam and about any necessary follow-up, and tend to take my concerns more seriously than the male doctors I've encountered. Maybe this is only true based on the clinicians I happen to have visited, but ultimately it's my choice, based on my comfort level. Is that prejudiced? Do you have a preference for male or female providers, particularly with regards to gynecology? I'd like to think that all practicing OB/GYNs respect women's feelings and decisions about who they're comfortable being naked and vulnerable with, regardless of the origin or evidence for those feelings. Perusal of that discussion board makes me think this isn't always the case.
Technorati Tags: gynecology; healthcare providers
MeSH: "Gynecology"[MAJR] AND ("Gender Identity"[MeSH] OR "gender preference"[All Fields] OR "sex preference"[All Fields])
Personally, I tend to choose women as healthcare providers, because I often choose nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners, who are mostly women. I appreciate the more personal approach they bring to care, and find that they tend to keep me more informed during the actual exam and about any necessary follow-up, and tend to take my concerns more seriously than the male doctors I've encountered. Maybe this is only true based on the clinicians I happen to have visited, but ultimately it's my choice, based on my comfort level. Is that prejudiced? Do you have a preference for male or female providers, particularly with regards to gynecology? I'd like to think that all practicing OB/GYNs respect women's feelings and decisions about who they're comfortable being naked and vulnerable with, regardless of the origin or evidence for those feelings. Perusal of that discussion board makes me think this isn't always the case.
Technorati Tags: gynecology; healthcare providers
MeSH: "Gynecology"[MAJR] AND ("Gender Identity"[MeSH] OR "gender preference"[All Fields] OR "sex preference"[All Fields])
Secret Safe Place Needs Volunteers
A Secret Safe Place for Newborns of Tennessee, Inc. works to raise awareness of Tennessee's Safe Haven Law, which allows mothers to leave unharmed newborns at specified locations within 72 hours of the birth without risk of prosecution, after which the children can be adopted by others.
The Secret Safe Place organization currently needs:
Volunteers to distribute printed materials in communities across Tennessee
A volunteer to assist us with updating and making changes to our website (must live in Blount or surrounding county)
Sponsors for billboards in any county in Tennessee
You may contact them at 865-254-2208 if you are able to assist with these needs. They also accept donations online, and have information on starting local Secret Safe Place programs online as well.
(Found via
Technorati Tags: safe haven; volunteer
MeSH Tags: Child, Abandoned OR Child, Unwanted; Voluntary Workers
The Secret Safe Place organization currently needs:
You may contact them at 865-254-2208 if you are able to assist with these needs. They also accept donations online, and have information on starting local Secret Safe Place programs online as well.
(Found via
Technorati Tags: safe haven; volunteer
MeSH Tags: Child, Abandoned OR Child, Unwanted; Voluntary Workers
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Hospitals Prohibit Videos of Childbirth
Newsweek has a piece on maternity wards refusing to let births be captured on video. According to the short piece, some hospitals, such as Harvard's Massachusetts General Hospital, have banned this practice due to concerns about malpractice, privacy, and interference with the process. If this trend grows, I can imagine some women selecting clinicians to attend their births based on the hospital's rules on video. A WebMD article on choosing your birth attendant and hospital makes just this recommendation, that women inquire as to whether video taping is permitted. As I browsed the web for other pieces on this issue, I found discussion board entries where women complained that they expected to be able to capture video, but were not allowed. If you do plan to have your birth on video, you'll need to check your provider's and the hospital's policies first - in some cases it's outright prohibited, while other facilities have less restrictive policies.
Locally, Vanderbilt's policy states, "Patients and/or family members in the perinatal area are allowed to Photo/Video deliveries with the permission of the mother and health care providers with consideration of photo angles, privacy, and confidentiality. Permission is documented in the Medical Record," and includes several stipulations about required documentation. If you are aware of other local policies, please leave them in the comments.
What do you think? Would a video ban make you consider changing obstetric providers/hospitals? Is it reasonable to prohibit taping on the grounds of potential malpractice lawsuits? What does it indicate about how traditional providers view childbirth if every birth is presumed to be a potential disaster?
As of right now, I don't see any prohibitions against live-blogging a birth. Hmmm....
Lawsuit-Minded Doctors, Hospitals Restrict Delivery Room Videos
Crackdown on Videotaping in the Delivery Room
Legal Implications of Birth Videos
List of tips for making a video of a birth
Technorati Tags: childbirth; hospitals
MeSH: "Videotape Recording"[MAJR] AND ("Labor, Obstetric"[MeSH] OR "Delivery Rooms"[MeSH] OR "Parturition"[MeSH])
Locally, Vanderbilt's policy states, "Patients and/or family members in the perinatal area are allowed to Photo/Video deliveries with the permission of the mother and health care providers with consideration of photo angles, privacy, and confidentiality. Permission is documented in the Medical Record," and includes several stipulations about required documentation. If you are aware of other local policies, please leave them in the comments.
What do you think? Would a video ban make you consider changing obstetric providers/hospitals? Is it reasonable to prohibit taping on the grounds of potential malpractice lawsuits? What does it indicate about how traditional providers view childbirth if every birth is presumed to be a potential disaster?
As of right now, I don't see any prohibitions against live-blogging a birth. Hmmm....
Lawsuit-Minded Doctors, Hospitals Restrict Delivery Room Videos
Crackdown on Videotaping in the Delivery Room
Legal Implications of Birth Videos
List of tips for making a video of a birth
Technorati Tags: childbirth; hospitals
MeSH: "Videotape Recording"[MAJR] AND ("Labor, Obstetric"[MeSH] OR "Delivery Rooms"[MeSH] OR "Parturition"[MeSH])
Monday, February 20, 2006
Proposed Abortion Legislation in Tennessee
House Bill 3199 and its companion Senate Bill 3402 were introduced on 2/16. The text of the bill states: "it is an offense for a physician to knowingly perform an abortion on a woman who is eighteen (18) years of age or older unless the physician has received from the woman a signed statement indicating that the woman has notified the man by whom she is pregnant that she intends to have an abortion."
The bill provides exceptions if the woman signs a statement saying the pregnancy is a result of rape and has been reported to law enforcement, is unable "after diligent effort" to notify or identify the man (in which case she must file written notice with the Department of Children's Services to be placed on the department's putative father registry), and in the case of medical emergencies when the life of the woman is at risk. Penalties are a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a $5,000 fine for the physician and a $2,000 fine for the woman.
What is not made clear in the proposed legislation is how it will be enforced and monitored. Will physicians contact men listed on women's statements to verify that they have been notified? If so, how does this square with patient privacy laws? Why are there no exceptions for women who are being abused, or who may have been examined by a medical professional in the case of a rape which may not have been reported to law enforcement? What constitutes a "diligent effort," and how will such effort be verified? Will the Dept of Children's Services essentially keep a list of women who have had abortions, and could that affect them in future custody or other legal actions? According to TN code (36-2-318), the Putative (presumed) Father Registry was established primarily to deal with parentage records relevant to adoption procedures and termination of parental rights. How will the following section apply?
(Found via TV on the Fritz)
Technorati Tags: abortion; legislation; reproductive rights; Tennessee
MeSH Tags: Abortion, Induces/legislation and jurisprudence
The bill provides exceptions if the woman signs a statement saying the pregnancy is a result of rape and has been reported to law enforcement, is unable "after diligent effort" to notify or identify the man (in which case she must file written notice with the Department of Children's Services to be placed on the department's putative father registry), and in the case of medical emergencies when the life of the woman is at risk. Penalties are a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a $5,000 fine for the physician and a $2,000 fine for the woman.
What is not made clear in the proposed legislation is how it will be enforced and monitored. Will physicians contact men listed on women's statements to verify that they have been notified? If so, how does this square with patient privacy laws? Why are there no exceptions for women who are being abused, or who may have been examined by a medical professional in the case of a rape which may not have been reported to law enforcement? What constitutes a "diligent effort," and how will such effort be verified? Will the Dept of Children's Services essentially keep a list of women who have had abortions, and could that affect them in future custody or other legal actions? According to TN code (36-2-318), the Putative (presumed) Father Registry was established primarily to deal with parentage records relevant to adoption procedures and termination of parental rights. How will the following section apply?
"Those persons contained on the registry shall be given notice by the petitioners in proceedings for the adoption of a child or for the termination of parental rights involving a child, and they shall be necessary parties to the proceedings, and, except as they may waive their rights under subsection (f), must have their parental rights to the child terminated prior to entry of an adoption order, as may be required pursuant to chapter 1, part 1, of this title, unless they have executed a surrender, waiver of interest, or parental consent as provided in chapter 1, part 1 of this title."Although the proposed law requires 24-hour notice, could this portion be used for additional delays?
A person listed on the registry and entitled to notice of pending adoption or termination proceedings under subdivision (e)(3) shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt of such notice to file a complaint for parentage or to intervene in the adoption proceedings or termination of parental rights proceedings for the purpose of establishing a claim to parentage of the child or to present a defense to the termination or adoption case.These questions would all seemingly need to be answered with regards to the pending legislation. If you would like to leave a comment with or pose these questions of your legislator, you can find names and email addresses of TN Senate members here and House members here.
(Found via TV on the Fritz)
Technorati Tags: abortion; legislation; reproductive rights; Tennessee
MeSH Tags: Abortion, Induces/legislation and jurisprudence
Wait, take what? Eat what? I give up...
In the past few weeks, there have been a couple of health stories that seemingly contradict the "conventional wisdom." Among them (via MedlinePlus):
Calcium, Vitamin D Won't Protect Older Women From Fracture - study participants were randomly assigned to receive calcium carbonate and Vitamin D or placebo. Hip bone density was higher in those receiving the supplements, but there was no significant difference in the rate of fracture. (Get the abstract)
Low-Fat Diets Don't Protect Postmenopausal Women - "A large U.S. government study has found that a diet low in fat but high in vegetables, grains and fruits does not reduce the risk of breast cancer, colorectal cancer or cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women." This news actually comes from multiple papers published in the Feb 8 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association; abstracts are here (breast cancer), here (colorectal cancer), and here (cardiovascular disease).
Cardiologists cautioned,
In other news, the new food labels provide information on the amount of trans fat in a product, and a clearer listing of certain allergens. As of right now, trans fat is still bad for you. :)
Technorati Tags: bones; breast cancer; calcium; cardiovascular disease; colorectal cancer; diet; HRT; hormone replacement therapy; Nutrition; vitamin d
MeSH Tags: Diet; Diet, Fat-Restricted; Hormone Replacement Therapy; Risk; Risk Factors; Vitamins OR Dietary Supplements
Calcium, Vitamin D Won't Protect Older Women From Fracture - study participants were randomly assigned to receive calcium carbonate and Vitamin D or placebo. Hip bone density was higher in those receiving the supplements, but there was no significant difference in the rate of fracture. (Get the abstract)
Low-Fat Diets Don't Protect Postmenopausal Women - "A large U.S. government study has found that a diet low in fat but high in vegetables, grains and fruits does not reduce the risk of breast cancer, colorectal cancer or cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women." This news actually comes from multiple papers published in the Feb 8 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association; abstracts are here (breast cancer), here (colorectal cancer), and here (cardiovascular disease).
Cardiologists cautioned,
""We have to be very careful. The last thing I want is someone to go out eating a high-fat, high-calorie diet," said Dr. Nieca Goldberg, chief of women's cardiac care at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City and a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association. "It's a combination of things that lowers cardiovascular risk. It's no one diet, no one exercise, no one pill." Goldberg is also author of The Women's Healthy Heart Program.Hormone Therapy May Be Less Risky for Younger women (summary) - full-text available for free online
"It would be easy to misinterpret the results of this study," Dr. Robert H. Eckel, president of the heart association, added in a prepared statement. "Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease is about following an integrated lifestyle program, rather than concentrating solely on dietary composition."
There were other cautionary notes. It's not clear if starting a low-fat diet earlier in life might have conferred a greater reduction in risk. All of the women in the study were postmenopausal when they changed their eating habits."
In other news, the new food labels provide information on the amount of trans fat in a product, and a clearer listing of certain allergens. As of right now, trans fat is still bad for you. :)
Technorati Tags: bones; breast cancer; calcium; cardiovascular disease; colorectal cancer; diet; HRT; hormone replacement therapy; Nutrition; vitamin d
MeSH Tags: Diet; Diet, Fat-Restricted; Hormone Replacement Therapy; Risk; Risk Factors; Vitamins OR Dietary Supplements
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Consumer Correspondent, With Apologies to the Nashville Scene
Dear Otherwise Reputable Dermatology Clinic Who Sent Me a Lilac-Colored Advertisement Featuring B&W Close-Up Photos of Parts of Women's Faces (never a whole woman) and Offering 10% off My First Cosmetic Treatment:
Fine With Myself How I Am, Thanks
Other classics of women's insecurity (I mean, health) advertising:
Lysol douche ad - "For Married Folks Only - Why does she spend evenings alone?"
Zonite douche ad - "So humilitated when she realized the cause of her husband's frigidity"
Nashville blogging community
World Wide Web
Technorati Tags: advertising; body image; cosmetic treatments; dermatology
MeSH Tags: Advertising; Body Image; Cosmetic Techniques; Dermatology
Dear Otherwise Reputable Dermatology Clinic Who Sent Me a Lilac-Colored Advertisement Featuring B&W Close-Up Photos of Parts of Women's Faces (never a whole woman) and Offering 10% off My First Cosmetic Treatment:
I appreciate your generous offer of 10% off my first botox or collagen injection. I'm writing to inquire whether said 10% discount can be used for skin cancer removal or other health-related dermatologic concerns. It's just a question.Sincerely,
Fine With Myself How I Am, Thanks
Other classics of women's insecurity (I mean, health) advertising:
Lysol douche ad - "For Married Folks Only - Why does she spend evenings alone?"
Zonite douche ad - "So humilitated when she realized the cause of her husband's frigidity"
Nashville blogging community
World Wide Web
Technorati Tags: advertising; body image; cosmetic treatments; dermatology
MeSH Tags: Advertising; Body Image; Cosmetic Techniques; Dermatology
Friday, February 17, 2006
Job Updates
Well, Chuck's interview for his day job is next Friday. My interview for a Night Lead Worker position is next Wednesday? Huh? Wait a minute...I thought we wanted to be on the same shift? Well, yes, we do. But there are so many $$$$ advantages to being on opposite shifts. A raise for me. Saving almost $100 a month by not paying parking and city taxes. Saving money from not having the boys in daycare full time (I would still have them in every morning so that I can sleep a little). But then the big downside is Chuck and I would NEVER see each other but the weekends and the boys are yet again without a "family" 5 days out of the week. There's so many advantages and disadvantages to both and Chuck is being so great about letting me decide what I feel is best for ME as a working mom but it's also hard to decide what's best for the family. The money is so tight right now that I can't put Zachary in the skating lessons like I'd like to (and he'd love to). Having me on nights would help alleviate that. But is it good for anybody's sanity? I just don't know. We'll see who offers us what and see how it all plays out in a couple of weeks I guess.
Can you say ECSTATIC?
Well, I always knew that Lucas would be *slightly* easier to potty train than Zachary because while Zachary didn't mind being wet and poopy all day long every day, Lucas HATED it! With. a. passion. But still, imagine my surprise on Sunday, February 12, 2006 in the evening when Lucas kept going to the bathroom door and lifting up his shirt. He did it a couple of times and then pointed at the light. So I asked, questioningly, "do you have to go potty" to which I got a very emphatic positive head shake. So, we went in there and sat on the potty for a little while and he peed! YESSS! I figured well at least he knows what it's for! Couple of hours later he does the same thing...and goes AGAIN. So apparantly he's not showing the same signs at daycare, but last night he went into the bathroom and went pee and poop on his *own* on the big potty all by himself! And tried to wipe! I am just so surprised. Now granted we are so not pushing it nor are we planning on putting him in trainers anytime soon, but it's a great start that he can kinda tell when he needs to go! Plus, he's got a lot more patience to just sitting than Zachary does. Lucas is 21 months now. Wow.
Valentine's Day was on Tuesday and it was also the day that Lucas learned the word balloon "boon" as he pronounces it and was VERY disappointed than mommy and daddy didn't buy him a balloon through the school like EVERY OTHER parent apparantly did. And Zachary came up to me with the saddest face when I went to get him and he said "Mommy, I didn't get a balloon and everybody else did" I thought he was going to cry. Chuck and I honestly thought about it again and again, but ultimately didn't do it before the deadline. They were $3.50 each as a fundraiser for the Student Council. So that night, I went to Walmart and bought them each 7 latex balloons and had them blown up for the grand old price of 97 CENTS! And they LOVED them...and thanked me again and again. Gotta love the wonders of such cheap toys!
Lucas's sheet from daycare today said "Lucas was being a bully today and wouldn't leave any of the other kids alone. He also has a scratch from one of the babies". I guess tonight we need to make his bedtime a regular bedtime instead of 11 pm. *sigh* But it was very nice to talk to 2 old friends last night, but makes for a hard behavioral day for the boys. That's for dang sure! So...we're off to say good night and watch a little bit of t.v. and hit the hay!
Valentine's Day was on Tuesday and it was also the day that Lucas learned the word balloon "boon" as he pronounces it and was VERY disappointed than mommy and daddy didn't buy him a balloon through the school like EVERY OTHER parent apparantly did. And Zachary came up to me with the saddest face when I went to get him and he said "Mommy, I didn't get a balloon and everybody else did" I thought he was going to cry. Chuck and I honestly thought about it again and again, but ultimately didn't do it before the deadline. They were $3.50 each as a fundraiser for the Student Council. So that night, I went to Walmart and bought them each 7 latex balloons and had them blown up for the grand old price of 97 CENTS! And they LOVED them...and thanked me again and again. Gotta love the wonders of such cheap toys!
Lucas's sheet from daycare today said "Lucas was being a bully today and wouldn't leave any of the other kids alone. He also has a scratch from one of the babies". I guess tonight we need to make his bedtime a regular bedtime instead of 11 pm. *sigh* But it was very nice to talk to 2 old friends last night, but makes for a hard behavioral day for the boys. That's for dang sure! So...we're off to say good night and watch a little bit of t.v. and hit the hay!
Thursday, February 16, 2006
I'll Take Mine To-Go
Some women's health stories are confusing, bizarre, and just plain disgusting - this is one of those. From the Kaiser Daily Women's Health Policy Report: "The Oregonian on Sunday examined the Cascadia Placenta Registry, which, unbeknownst to many patients, collected placentas from as many as 700 women from hospitals in Oregon, California and Washington between 1996 and 2003." The Oregonian has the extraordinary details on the story. Among other details, the piece profiles Angela Desbiens, a mother who experienced pregnancy complications and whose daughter was born via emergency C-section. Unbeknownst to Desbiens,
The Kaiser summary mentions that laws may not have been broken, but let's call this what it is: hospitals taking one of the products of childbirth, without the mother's consent, in the interest of avoiding any possible responsibility for a bad outcome. How many women want their children's births viewed from this perspective?
Technorati Tags: childbirth; informed consent; malpractice; placenta
MeSH Tags: Defensive Medicine; Obstetrics/ethics OR /legislation and jurisprudence; Placenta;
...the hospital sent her placenta to a Portland institute created and financed by the insurance industry, in part to help health care providers defend against birth-injury lawsuits.The Oregonian story reports that Cascadia is now called "Northwest Physicians Insurance Co.," but it seems to have been acquired by The Doctors Company. Among the gems on the DC website: "The combined use of new technologies and traditional guidelines is helping to replace the myth that "bad labor or delivery makes a bad baby" with the concept that a "bad baby makes a bad labor or delivery." The site includes guidelines for obstetric risk reduction, which essentially urge clinicians to perform childbirth as a process of defeating possibility liabilities.
The pathologist at the institute, Cascadia Placenta Registry, analyzed the tissue and drafted a report contending that McKenna's cerebral palsy was caused by blood flow problems, not improper care.
It wasn't until Desbiens sued Providence, four years after the birth, that she first read the report and learned what had become of her placenta, the organ that transports blood, oxygen and nutrients to a fetus.
The Kaiser summary mentions that laws may not have been broken, but let's call this what it is: hospitals taking one of the products of childbirth, without the mother's consent, in the interest of avoiding any possible responsibility for a bad outcome. How many women want their children's births viewed from this perspective?
Technorati Tags: childbirth; informed consent; malpractice; placenta
MeSH Tags: Defensive Medicine; Obstetrics/ethics OR /legislation and jurisprudence; Placenta;
MA Wal-Mart Required to Stock Emergency Contraception
Earlier this month, I posted on a lawsuit filed by 3 Massachusetts women against Wal-Mart for the retail giant's refusal to stock the Plan B emergency contraceptive. The state's Board of Registration in Pharmacy voted yesterday to require Wal-Mart to stock the drug. I was not able to find a statement on the Board's website, but the Boston Globe covers the story here. It mentions that Wal-Mart plans to review its policy of refusal to carry Plan B nationwide. The Kaiser Network provides a summary of the ruling and its implications.
Technorati Tags: emergency contraception; Plan B; Reproductive Rights; Wal-Mart
MeSH Tags: Contraception, Postcoital; Levonorgestrel
Technorati Tags: emergency contraception; Plan B; Reproductive Rights; Wal-Mart
MeSH Tags: Contraception, Postcoital; Levonorgestrel
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
My Valentine's Day Present
I got home to find a dozen yellow, red-tipped roses. I LOVE yellow roses and these were beautiful. Plus, I got a huge size candy bar of Cadbury Fruit and Nut (I fell in love with these when I was preggo in London and no one over here carries them until like a week ago). And I got this homemade card. Now, people probably wonder why I'm posting this when it's kinda personal, but I re-read my blog and I want to keep his words where I can read them when I need to.
The Road Not Taken
Two Roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And look down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Has worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodeen black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence;
Two roads diverged ina wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.
-Robert Frost
Leaves of Autumn was a major theme at our wedding. When you think about most people would associate them with an ending, poets often use them to symbolize loss or sorrow, not a beginning. So I will have to remake the symbolism to fit my own need. I like to think that they stand for longevity or in this work by Frost for discovery. Many people at first did not want us to take this path. I am glad I did. I do not regret it. Though sometimes the path is steep and rocky and hard to travel, you came with ma and are there to help me and I you. There are also time when the path is smooth and level and a joy to travel. But always it is marked by "leaves no step had trodden black". I don't know where the path goes or what we'll find at the end but I want to find out with you. So come with me and travel this road marked with leaves beginning to end and we'll see whats around the next bend. I for one am glad I took the road less traveled. Will you trod a few leaves black with me a litle longer? CDL 2/14/06
Along with this card, I got 12 silver oak leaf napkin holders that are beautiful and will match our china pattern wonderfully. I love my husband. I wish he wouldn't have had to work last night.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
10 things I LOVE about my husband.
Today is Valentine's Day. I figured what a better day than pay tribute to the man I love. And Why do I love him? Well, there are days I ask myself that very question. But, it always comes back to me.
1. Because he's a great dad. Just look at the love between him and Lucas in this photo that I got completely on accident. He's got a bond with his boys that most dads will never have in their entire life. For that, I LOVE him.
2. Because he loved me when I thought I was completely unloveable. When I thought, "OMG, why would anyone find me attractive?" I laid on his bed, naked no less, and he told me I was the most beautiful and sexiest woman he'd ever seen. And said it like he meant it...not like he said it just to get laid. For making me feel so special, I love him.
3. Because he is a sentimental sap. For Valentine's Day a few years ago he completely blew me away with champagne, fire in the fireplace, little thoughtful gifts, rose petals on the bed, a cd just for me and a hot bath....along with making dinner. On Sept 13, 2002, he gave me a card that said "One year ago today, you gave me a son. Thank you" That was one year to the day that I took the pregnancy test and realized I was pregnant with our first child. For him remembering little dates like that and taking the time to make those dates special for me, I love him.
4. Because he always tries to make things better for me. When I'm sad, he tries to make me laugh. When I'm mad, he tries to make me laugh. Actually, I guess he tries to make me laugh a lot. And sometimes, he's succeeds and sometimes I just want him to shut up and let me cry. But it means a lot to me that he cares so much that he TRIES to make me feel better. For that I love him.
5. Because he's sacrificed for our family. He hates his job. He hates seeing dr's and medicine. And yet, he does it because he knows its best for me and the boys. He would so rather be working at St. Vincent's and yet he couldn't make the money we needed, so he quit a job he loved in order to give the family the things we need. For that I love him.
6. Because he helps me keep grounded. He makes me see things realistically and keeps me from blowing up at stupid insensitive relatives. He's taught me some culture (ballet in London, anyone?). And yet, he still allows me to be myself and sit in front of sitcoms and veg when I want to and not force me to watch the History channel. For that, I love him.
7. Because he realizes how important it is for me to have me time. And that even though I sometimes forget that that also means that he needs HIM time, he still makes me go out with the girls, go get my hair done, go shopping by myself so that I can be alone. I love that he wants me to maintain my own personality and not be just mom and wife, but Lisa.
8. Because he is the best lover EVER. Honestly. There are wild nights and tender nights and yet I always know that he's there completely for me. I have never in my life felt more fulfilled after a good night of Chuck sex. Wow. Nuff said.
9. Because he's not a typical man. He cleans the house. He washes the dishes (WAY more often than I do). He has a hot dinner on the table every night when me and the boys get home. And it's usually WAY better than I could have cooked. He does the laundry and actually PUTS it away. And I don't say enough how MUCH I appreciate all that he does for us...and have the tendency to pick out the things that he DOESN'T do, instead of the things he does. And yet, he still plugs away and does them anyway. For that, I love him.
10. Because he completes me. I can never love him enough for that.
Thank you for loving me back. For all my short comings too. I know things are not always easy, and the road that we travel is very often rocky, but I love you dearly. I know that won't change and it will carry us through. I'm sorry that I don't tell you enough exactly how special you are to me.
V-Day Reminders
See the previous post for info on some local V-Day events, which typically include a performance of The Vagina Monologues and the raising of money for agencies that benefit women and victims of violence.
In related news, our Aunt B will be in a production of the show at the Belcourt on February 25th.
Also next week, Vanderbilt's IMAGE student group dedicated to healthy body image will host IMAGE week, a series of events for students on body image, eating disorders, and images of women's bodies in media.
Technorati Tags: abuse; domestic violence; rape; sexual assault
MeSH Tags: Domestic Violence; Sex Offenses; Spouse Abuse
In related news, our Aunt B will be in a production of the show at the Belcourt on February 25th.
Also next week, Vanderbilt's IMAGE student group dedicated to healthy body image will host IMAGE week, a series of events for students on body image, eating disorders, and images of women's bodies in media.
Technorati Tags: abuse; domestic violence; rape; sexual assault
MeSH Tags: Domestic Violence; Sex Offenses; Spouse Abuse
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Women's Health News Link Dump
Assorted women's health-related news. These are read-and-make-up-your-own-mind entries, designed to get interesting stories to you, when your little blogger is suffering from information overload. :)
via National Women's Health Information Center:
Overweight Women Risk Problem Pregnancies
Full Breastfeeding Duration and Associated Decrease in Respiratory Tract Infection
Researchers Report Big Gains Against Cervical Cancer
Variety of Breast Cancer Patients Turn to Web for Support
Fatalism, Ignorance Keep Many from Needed Cancer Checks
via Kaiser Daily Women's Health Policy Report:
Black Women Living in Low-Income Neighborhoods Less Likely to Regularly Schedule Cervical Cancer Screenings
Male U.S. Representatives With Daughters More Likely To Vote in Favor of Abortion Rights, Women's Issues
Kansas Attorney General Testifies in Support of Opinion Requiring Reporting of Sexual Activity Among Minors and Kansas Opinion Requiring Reporting of Sexual Activity Among Minors Misunderstood, Lawyer Says
More Women Are Choosing C-Sections Over Natural Birth, Citing Personal Choice, Research
Drug Used to Prevent Preterm Labor Might Cause It, Study Finds
35% Catholic Hospitals in States With EC Access Regulations Do Not Dispense Drug, Study Says
via Feministing:
South Dakota House Passes Abortion Ban
The Austin Chronicle addresses women's rights and health care in Texas (Feministing post is here)
40 Kentucky Lawmakers Sign Bill to Ban Abortion
Two-Thirds of College Students Affected by Sexual Harrassment
via Women's Bioethics Project:
iPledge . . . not to have sex (or, if I do, to use 2 forms of birth control) (commentary on article regarding Accutane and birth defects)
Exploitation of Women in Ova Donation for Research
via CNN:
Employer Key for Breast Cancer Survivors
Not Your Mother's Breast Milk
via Kevin, MD:
You'll Have to Sue to Find Out: Woman Becomes a Quadruple Amputee after Giving Birth
via Medical Informatics Insider:
New Food Labels More Helpful
via Notes from Dr. RW:
Debunking the Popular Media
Patient Blogs and How They Help Physicians
via the New York Times:
System Said to Fail to Steer Women Away from Acne Drug
Children, Media and Sex: A Big Book of Blank Pages
via MedlinePlus:
Noninvasive Tests May Miss Breast Cancer
Surgeries to Remove Precancerous Cervical Lesions Raise Obstetric Risks
Male Circumcision Protects Women from AIDS
Focused Ultrasound Effective Against Fibroids
no tags on this one - too many topics!
via National Women's Health Information Center:
via Kaiser Daily Women's Health Policy Report:
Kansas Attorney General Testifies in Support of Opinion Requiring Reporting of Sexual Activity Among Minors and Kansas Opinion Requiring Reporting of Sexual Activity Among Minors Misunderstood, Lawyer Says
via Feministing:
via Women's Bioethics Project:
via CNN:
via Kevin, MD:
via Medical Informatics Insider:
via Notes from Dr. RW:
via the New York Times:
via MedlinePlus:
no tags on this one - too many topics!
My Yahoo! Answers, Part 2
As in the past, some of these questions have been reworded, and I'm listing resources instead of providing my original full answers so as not to copy directly from the YA site.
What is the right way to wash your vagina? and What is the best feminine product to get rid of a vaginal smell? - one person wanted to know if internal scrubbing was necessary, and some respondants recommended douching.
Resources:: No douching! Douching - Frequently Asked Questions (Nat'l Womens Health Info Center)
What is hypermetropia?
Resources: It's farsightednews. Nat'l Library of Medicine - Medical Subject Headings - Hyperopia (provides the definition and alternate terms, including Hypermetropia); Hyperopia (American Optometric Association); Farsightedness (
Where can I find information on disciplinary actions for psychologists in California? - for no apparent reason, Yahoo! removed this question.
Resources: Board Actions - California Board of Psychology (provides list of disciplinary actions against CA psychologists); other official state websites should have similar information on licensing/disciplinary actions.
What is systemic lupus?
Resources: What is Lupus? (Lupus Foundation of America); Handout on Health: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Nat'l Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases); JAMA Patient Page: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (American Medical Association); Lupus (
I'm 5'2" and weigh 88 pounds. My friends say I'm underweight, but I think I could lose some more. I have people tell me I'm too skinny all the time! Especially since they know I only eat 1 small meal a day, dinner. I hate it because I see myself as something diffrent and How can I stop eating?
Resources: Eating Disorders - Self-Evaluation Quiz (Nat'l Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders); KidsHealth - Eating Disorders (Nemours Foundation); Anorexia Nervosa (Nat'l Eating Disorders Association); - Anorexia Nervosa (American Academy of Family Physicians); Eating Disorders Information and Referral Program (National Eating Disorders Association); Anorexia (Nat'l Women's Health Information Center)
I need information on the calories and vitamins in vegetables.
Resources: USDA National Nutrient Database; Fruit and Vegetable Nutrition Facts Chart (Dole); 5 a Day: Fruit and Vegetable of the Month (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention);
What are the symptoms of a seizure coming on?
Resources: Seizure Disorders (Merck Manual Home Edition)
Is vitiligo treatable?
Resources: Questions and Answers About Vitiligo - Treatment Options (Nat'l Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases)
What's the best cure for a persistent cough?
Resources: Chronic Cough: Causes and Cures (American Academy of Family Physicians)
What are the symptoms of having HIV/AIDS?
Resources: How can I tell if I'm infected with HIV? What are the Symptoms? (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
How do I manage type 2 diabetes?
Resources: Diabetes Learning Center (American Diabetes Association); National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)
My Yahoo! Answers, Part 1
Technorati Tags: anorexia; cough; diabetes; douching; eating disorders; eyesight; Food; HIV; hygiene; lupus; nutrition; psychologists; seizures; vagina; vegetables; Vision; vitiligo; Yahoo
(no MeSH tags for this one - too many topics!)
Resources:: No douching! Douching - Frequently Asked Questions (Nat'l Womens Health Info Center)
Resources: It's farsightednews. Nat'l Library of Medicine - Medical Subject Headings - Hyperopia (provides the definition and alternate terms, including Hypermetropia); Hyperopia (American Optometric Association); Farsightedness (
Resources: Board Actions - California Board of Psychology (provides list of disciplinary actions against CA psychologists); other official state websites should have similar information on licensing/disciplinary actions.
Resources: What is Lupus? (Lupus Foundation of America); Handout on Health: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Nat'l Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases); JAMA Patient Page: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (American Medical Association); Lupus (
Resources: Eating Disorders - Self-Evaluation Quiz (Nat'l Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders); KidsHealth - Eating Disorders (Nemours Foundation); Anorexia Nervosa (Nat'l Eating Disorders Association); - Anorexia Nervosa (American Academy of Family Physicians); Eating Disorders Information and Referral Program (National Eating Disorders Association); Anorexia (Nat'l Women's Health Information Center)
Resources: USDA National Nutrient Database; Fruit and Vegetable Nutrition Facts Chart (Dole); 5 a Day: Fruit and Vegetable of the Month (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention);
Resources: Seizure Disorders (Merck Manual Home Edition)
Resources: Questions and Answers About Vitiligo - Treatment Options (Nat'l Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases)
Resources: Chronic Cough: Causes and Cures (American Academy of Family Physicians)
Resources: How can I tell if I'm infected with HIV? What are the Symptoms? (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Resources: Diabetes Learning Center (American Diabetes Association); National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)
My Yahoo! Answers, Part 1
Technorati Tags: anorexia; cough; diabetes; douching; eating disorders; eyesight; Food; HIV; hygiene; lupus; nutrition; psychologists; seizures; vagina; vegetables; Vision; vitiligo; Yahoo
(no MeSH tags for this one - too many topics!)
Friday, February 10, 2006
Check out Kim. She was on the show the Biggest Loser (which is such an incredibly inspirational show). I was flipping channels with Zachary the other night when I saw this was on. They were doing a final weigh in with Kim when Zachary tells me that I look EXACTLY like her. Okay, let's re-cap. She's about 150 lbs lighter than I am. She's a redhead. I just don't see it but then they say kids can see things sometimes adults can't. Then, Zachary states this:
But her boobs are A LOT smaller than yours, mommy. *looks at my chest* Yep, your boobs are a lot bigger than her boobs.
Ah, the inflictions of a 3 year old boob man!
Check out Kim. She was on the show the Biggest Loser (which is such an incredibly inspirational show). I was flipping channels with Zachary the other night when I saw this was on. They were doing a final weigh in with Kim when Zachary tells me that I look EXACTLY like her. Okay, let's re-cap. She's about 150 lbs lighter than I am. She's a redhead. I just don't see it but then they say kids can see things sometimes adults can't. Then, Zachary states this:
But her boobs are A LOT smaller than yours, mommy. *looks at my chest* Yep, your boobs are a lot bigger than her boobs.
Ah, the inflictions of a 3 year old boob man!
Thursday, February 9, 2006
I just found out that my hubby has an interview for a DAY job. IF he gets this job, it will be the first time in almost 4 years that we've worked the same shift!!! We could actually have a normal life and the boys would be able to see their daddy every night, and I wouldn't have to have a babysitter to go out with the girls! And daddy could go out with the boys at night if he wanted...we could actually have sex EVERY NIGHT if we wanted! Which I think I will for the first 2 months if he gets this job!
More info later!
More info later!
Wednesday, February 8, 2006
The Kids Never Really Leave Home, Leave Their Junk Everywhere
NPR aired a story this morning on research finding that babies' cells linger inside the mother's body for decades. Decades, people, even if the pregnancy was miscarried or terminated. This is somtimes referred to as "fetal cell microchimerism;" chimerism is "the occurrence in an individual of two or more cell populations of different chromosomal constitutions, derived from different individuals." You may be more familiar with the Chimera from Greek mythology.
The NPR story can be downloaded from the website, and does a good job of explaining the two main hypotheses regarding these cells; the first suggests that these cells may contribute to autoimmune diseases, while the second proposes that the cells help the mother stay healthy throughout her life by rushing to sites of disease or injury and providing some benefit. Alternately, the cells may do nothing good or bad - they may just float around inside women's bodies.
Here's a list of citations on the topic; in most cases you can read the article abstracts, and some will be free online. Personally, I'm hoping the "Good Hypothesis" is proven correct, because it would have a nice evolutionary purpose of helping to keep the mother healthy, and otherwise this is just a little gross. I mean, shouldn't we be getting dragon tails out this? :)
Technorati Tags: chimera; fetal cells; pregnancy
MeSH Tags: (use the link above for a search on the topic, or these terms for individual concepts) Chimerism OR Chimera; Fetus/cytology; Maternal-Fetal Exchange/Genetics; Pregnancy
The NPR story can be downloaded from the website, and does a good job of explaining the two main hypotheses regarding these cells; the first suggests that these cells may contribute to autoimmune diseases, while the second proposes that the cells help the mother stay healthy throughout her life by rushing to sites of disease or injury and providing some benefit. Alternately, the cells may do nothing good or bad - they may just float around inside women's bodies.
Here's a list of citations on the topic; in most cases you can read the article abstracts, and some will be free online. Personally, I'm hoping the "Good Hypothesis" is proven correct, because it would have a nice evolutionary purpose of helping to keep the mother healthy, and otherwise this is just a little gross. I mean, shouldn't we be getting dragon tails out this? :)
Technorati Tags: chimera; fetal cells; pregnancy
MeSH Tags: (use the link above for a search on the topic, or these terms for individual concepts) Chimerism OR Chimera; Fetus/cytology; Maternal-Fetal Exchange/Genetics; Pregnancy
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Pregnancy and Depression
This is "old" news now, but a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association [1 Feb 2006; 295(5): 499-507] found that pregnancy did not protect women from depression. Apparently, it was was once "common belief that the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy provide a protective effect against depression." The authors note, "Pregnancy has historically been described as a time of emotional well-being, providing 'protection' against psychiatric disorder. However, systematic data to support this impression are sparse." The intention of the study was to test whether women receiving maintenance antidepressive treatment could successfully discontinue those medications during pregnancy without relapse or not, indicating whether pregnancy really does have a protective effect against depression.
201 pregnant women were enrolled in the study who had a previous history of major depression, were less than 16 weeks along, had normal thyroid function, and were currently receiving antidepressant treatment. Women who were actively suicidal, had certain mental disorders (schizophrenia, for example), had positive drug tests, or had medical conditions associated with depressive symptoms were excluded. The women were split into two groups who either continued or discontinued their medications. The women were not randomized, but were informed about the nature of the study and allowed to choose which path to take.
Of those who stopped taking their medicines, 68% relapsed into major despression during the study. Curiously, 26% of women who continued taking their meds also experienced depression. 61% of those who discontinued or decreased their antidepressant medications reintroduced the drug therapy during pregnancy. The authors note a few limitations of their work (such as the non-randomized design), but conclude that pregnancy does not have a protective effect against depression.
A summary of the study from the AMA is available online, as is the article abstract.
Pregnancy-Related Depression Resources:
Depression in Pregnancy -
Pregnancy Pointers for Women with Psychiatric History - National Alliance on Mental Illness
Depression During and After Pregnancy - National Women's Health Information Center
Depression During Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression - March of Dimes
Mental Health Services Locator - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Postpartum Disorders - National Mental Health Association
Postpartum Depression and the "Baby Blues" - American Academy of Family Physicians
Depression After the Birth of a Child or Pregnancy Loss - The Cleveland Clinic
Technorati Tags: depression; pregnancy
MeSH Tags: Depression, Postpartum; Pregnancy Complications AND Depression
201 pregnant women were enrolled in the study who had a previous history of major depression, were less than 16 weeks along, had normal thyroid function, and were currently receiving antidepressant treatment. Women who were actively suicidal, had certain mental disorders (schizophrenia, for example), had positive drug tests, or had medical conditions associated with depressive symptoms were excluded. The women were split into two groups who either continued or discontinued their medications. The women were not randomized, but were informed about the nature of the study and allowed to choose which path to take.
Of those who stopped taking their medicines, 68% relapsed into major despression during the study. Curiously, 26% of women who continued taking their meds also experienced depression. 61% of those who discontinued or decreased their antidepressant medications reintroduced the drug therapy during pregnancy. The authors note a few limitations of their work (such as the non-randomized design), but conclude that pregnancy does not have a protective effect against depression.
A summary of the study from the AMA is available online, as is the article abstract.
Pregnancy-Related Depression Resources:
Technorati Tags: depression; pregnancy
MeSH Tags: Depression, Postpartum; Pregnancy Complications AND Depression
V-Day Happenings
I mentioned V-Day in a previous post on domestic violence resources. The organization's website provides an explanation of V-Day, which falls on Valentine's Day and is intended to raise awareness and resources for the prevention of violence against women and girls.
Locally, Vanderbilt will be staging a production of The Vagina Monologues on Feb 14 & 15 at 7PM at Ingram Hall to benefit the Domestic Violence Hardship Fund (tickets are $12). Volunteer State Community College is also performing the show on Feb 14 at 12:30 pm and 7:30 pm in Wemyss Auditorium to benefit HomeSafe of Gallatin. MTSU is supposedly hosting an event as well, but I couldn't find the details on their website. You can find events in other locations by viewing the "V-Campaigns" page. And yes, the script sometimes says "vagina" when what is meant is "vulva," but it's for a good cause, people.
While looking for details on these events, I found out about these additional local resources:
Rape & Sexual Abuse Center - located in Nashville and Clarksville, the Center's stated mission is to "Help people heal from the effects of rape and sexual abuse and reducing risk through community education"
Project Safe - housed in the Margaret Cuninggim Women's Center, this is Vanderbilt's campus effort to educate about, prevent, and respond to sexual assault, abuse and stalking.
Ujima House - "focuses on the needs of women and their children, who are victims of domestic violence"
YWCA of Nashville Domestic Violence program - the YW operates a shelter and crisis line, and provides other domestic violence-related support
Survivors Against Violent Environments - transitional housing and support for women of faith
Technorati Tags: abuse; domestic violence; rape; sexual assault
MeSH Tags: Domestic Violence; Sex Offenses; Spouse Abuse
Locally, Vanderbilt will be staging a production of The Vagina Monologues on Feb 14 & 15 at 7PM at Ingram Hall to benefit the Domestic Violence Hardship Fund (tickets are $12). Volunteer State Community College is also performing the show on Feb 14 at 12:30 pm and 7:30 pm in Wemyss Auditorium to benefit HomeSafe of Gallatin. MTSU is supposedly hosting an event as well, but I couldn't find the details on their website. You can find events in other locations by viewing the "V-Campaigns" page. And yes, the script sometimes says "vagina" when what is meant is "vulva," but it's for a good cause, people.
While looking for details on these events, I found out about these additional local resources:
Technorati Tags: abuse; domestic violence; rape; sexual assault
MeSH Tags: Domestic Violence; Sex Offenses; Spouse Abuse
Last Night
I had a mommy's night out. YAY!
Do you know I went on a mommy's night out about 3 weeks ago and before that it had been literally MONTHS and MONTHS since I had gone out by myself without Chuck or the boys to do anything?
So, I'm feeling like socializing more. And realizing that maybe having a little fun myself and meeting some other mommy friends and being able to relate to others will help me be a better mommy and wife.
I was well on my way to being a better wife last night (too damn bad hubby works nights!) as a friend and I went to Ladies Night at Deja Vu (local strip club). The radio station was doing a remote there and they had all kinds of free giveaways, demonstrations, new products, huge sales, and refreshments. There were a TON of women there from all walks of life and only one gross, ucky dirty old pervert who kept playing with all the "toys" and made me wanna puke. But otherwise it was so much fun. I got two bags of free things and had tons of fun talking to Amanda and looking at stuff. So, after picking up the boys from my brothers and having them fall asleep on the way home I was ready to go....with no hubby. I'll be happy when we work a normal schedule.
I'm also looking forward to another mommy's night out!
Do you know I went on a mommy's night out about 3 weeks ago and before that it had been literally MONTHS and MONTHS since I had gone out by myself without Chuck or the boys to do anything?
So, I'm feeling like socializing more. And realizing that maybe having a little fun myself and meeting some other mommy friends and being able to relate to others will help me be a better mommy and wife.
I was well on my way to being a better wife last night (too damn bad hubby works nights!) as a friend and I went to Ladies Night at Deja Vu (local strip club). The radio station was doing a remote there and they had all kinds of free giveaways, demonstrations, new products, huge sales, and refreshments. There were a TON of women there from all walks of life and only one gross, ucky dirty old pervert who kept playing with all the "toys" and made me wanna puke. But otherwise it was so much fun. I got two bags of free things and had tons of fun talking to Amanda and looking at stuff. So, after picking up the boys from my brothers and having them fall asleep on the way home I was ready to go....with no hubby. I'll be happy when we work a normal schedule.
I'm also looking forward to another mommy's night out!
Chuck and I were talking last night (well, actually at about 3:30 am this morning when he got home...I am EXHAUSTED this morning!) about how Zachary's vocabularly is going to a new level. Chuck referred to it as "daddisms". He starting to pick up on things that we say all the time. Examples:
Daddy: Hey, how'd school go today?
Z: Cool, DUDE!
Mommy: You need to eat some green beans, please.
Z: Well, FINE!
Mommy: Zachary, I don't feel like playing that right now.
Z: Well, just DEAL WITH IT!
Z: Oh crap! I forgot to drink my milk. (Okay, so that one is totally my fault. I guess crap is better than some of the other things he could be saying!)
Yea, so his 3 year old attitude is getting worse, however, some of the way he says things and the hands on the hips or the tilt of his head just crack me up. I've had to step into another room just so I don't laugh in front of him before coming back in and telling him we don't talk to adults like that....or friends for that matter.
He also told me just the other day that he's getting older. Yes, you are I told him. He then informed me that when he was 5 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 counted out on his fingers) he would be all grown up. I told him I thought maybe he should wait for a few more years after that before he decided to be grown up. Nope, 5 is the magic number.
Lucas's words are growing every day too! Unless, of course, you want him to repeat a new word. Yesterday, I told the boys it was cold outside. Lucas repeated "cold". Zachary (who is SOOO excited that Lucas is starting to talk a little) said "WHAT did he say? Did he say cold?" I asked Lucas to say it again. He promptly told me "NO". Well, at least we have that word down. He can also say Bye (buh) now as well as hat, coat and he tries to say scarf. Couple more months and the boy will be speaking in sentences!
Daddy: Hey, how'd school go today?
Z: Cool, DUDE!
Mommy: You need to eat some green beans, please.
Z: Well, FINE!
Mommy: Zachary, I don't feel like playing that right now.
Z: Well, just DEAL WITH IT!
Z: Oh crap! I forgot to drink my milk. (Okay, so that one is totally my fault. I guess crap is better than some of the other things he could be saying!)
Yea, so his 3 year old attitude is getting worse, however, some of the way he says things and the hands on the hips or the tilt of his head just crack me up. I've had to step into another room just so I don't laugh in front of him before coming back in and telling him we don't talk to adults like that....or friends for that matter.
He also told me just the other day that he's getting older. Yes, you are I told him. He then informed me that when he was 5 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 counted out on his fingers) he would be all grown up. I told him I thought maybe he should wait for a few more years after that before he decided to be grown up. Nope, 5 is the magic number.
Lucas's words are growing every day too! Unless, of course, you want him to repeat a new word. Yesterday, I told the boys it was cold outside. Lucas repeated "cold". Zachary (who is SOOO excited that Lucas is starting to talk a little) said "WHAT did he say? Did he say cold?" I asked Lucas to say it again. He promptly told me "NO". Well, at least we have that word down. He can also say Bye (buh) now as well as hat, coat and he tries to say scarf. Couple more months and the boy will be speaking in sentences!
Whew, That Was Close!
Today seems like a good day for safe driving tips, given that I almost rear-ended a Kia Sorento on my way to work this morning. I couldn't see what was going on ahead, b/c the Sorento was blocking the view from my modest-sized sedan. The driver slammed on the brakes, causing me to do the same, thinking, "I'm going to hit that car," while a concrete mixer truck rapidly approached me from behind. Luckily, my car stopped less than 6 inches from the back of the SUV - thanks, Honda! However, I had swerved slightly to the right, causing the veering concrete mixer to veer even more, and honk at me. Did I mention that an unmarked cop car was around to witness the whole thing? It looks as though I'm not the only one who could use a lesson on automobile safety, either.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has released its 2004 traffic accident statistics, which report that 13,310 women were killed in traffic accidents in 2004, and an additional 1,469,00 were injured (more than twice as many men were killed). The NHTSA's website has a ton of traffic safety information, including online brochures on agressive, drowsy, and other hazardous driving.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also has information on airbags, child passenger safety, impaired driving, young and old drivers, safety belts, and other topics. I learned from the CDC's site that "Motor vehicle-related incidents are consistently the leading cause of work-related fatalities in the United States." Women seem to get off easier in work-related traffic fatalities as well; in 2004, 2,460 fatal transportation incidents occurred, and only 187 of those were women.
Additional safe driving info:
Older Drivers - National Institute on Aging
Aggressive Driving - American College of Emergency Physicians
Fact Sheets - National Safety Council (scroll down to "On the Road")
Pregnancy: Should I Use a Seatbelt? - American Academy of Family Physicians
Pregnancy brochure - NHTSA
Technorati Tags: driving; Road Safety; traffic
MeSH Tags: Accidents, Traffic
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has released its 2004 traffic accident statistics, which report that 13,310 women were killed in traffic accidents in 2004, and an additional 1,469,00 were injured (more than twice as many men were killed). The NHTSA's website has a ton of traffic safety information, including online brochures on agressive, drowsy, and other hazardous driving.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also has information on airbags, child passenger safety, impaired driving, young and old drivers, safety belts, and other topics. I learned from the CDC's site that "Motor vehicle-related incidents are consistently the leading cause of work-related fatalities in the United States." Women seem to get off easier in work-related traffic fatalities as well; in 2004, 2,460 fatal transportation incidents occurred, and only 187 of those were women.
Additional safe driving info:
Technorati Tags: driving; Road Safety; traffic
MeSH Tags: Accidents, Traffic
Monday, February 6, 2006
My personality...pretty much.
You Are a Bright Star Soul |
You're dramatic and a powerhouse of pure energyYou posess a divine quality or uniqueness that's hard to defineA natural performer, it's likely you'll become famous in some circles.Just learn not to take everyone's reaction to you so personally! Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul and Prophet Soul |
What Kind of Soul Are You?
Sunday, February 5, 2006
What I Learned from the Super Bowl
Dove has launched the Dove Self Esteem Fund, which I learned from this Super Bowl commercial. Dove has been noticed recently for its "Campaign for Real Beauty" ads which feature women larger than your average stick-thin model, in their underwear. The campaign has come under fire from various sources, such as Chicago Sun-Times columnist Richard Roeper, who called the ads "unsettling," and described the normal-sized models as "plump women baring too much skin." Some feminists also criticized the ad, complaining that Dove wasn't doing enough to promote realistic body images, because it was using the ads to promote a skin firming cream. I say, it's nice to see images of non-diet-obsessed women in the media, no matter what they're selling. See the previous post for eating disorders-related resources.
The Dove Self Esteem Fund has been set up to encourage girls to have a more positive body image. The site includes self-esteem workbooks for mothers and daughters to use together, quizzes, and information about the "uniquely ME!" program, an an activity of the Girls Scouts of the USA funded by the Dove Fund. A donation to the program can be made here.
Also related to the Super Bowl, Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger is not likely to need any of these resources on exercise for seniors anytime soon. If you saw the half-time performance, you know that from the chest down, old Mick is smokin' hot, and can still work a stage. I was particularly pleased to see the performance of "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction," which your little blogger went around singing, to her grandparents' horror, at the ripe old age of 3.
Finally, you may have heard that domestic violence soars during the Super Bowl; this seems to be myth. However, here are a few domestic violence resources:
Family Violence Prevention Fund
Are You Being Abused? - American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Checklist for Leaving an Abuser - National Women's Health Information Center
How an Abuser can Discover Your Internet Activities and Domestic Violence Safety Tips - American Bar Association
Supporting the Survivor - National Mental Health Information Center
Tennessee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Domestic Violence Hotlines and Resources - Feminist Majority Foundation
Women Against Domestic Violence
Technorati Tags: abuse; body image; domestic violence; dove; geriatrics; girl scouts
MeSH Tags: Aged AND Exercise; Body Image; Domestic Violence; Self Concept; Spouse Abuse
The Dove Self Esteem Fund has been set up to encourage girls to have a more positive body image. The site includes self-esteem workbooks for mothers and daughters to use together, quizzes, and information about the "uniquely ME!" program, an an activity of the Girls Scouts of the USA funded by the Dove Fund. A donation to the program can be made here.
Also related to the Super Bowl, Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger is not likely to need any of these resources on exercise for seniors anytime soon. If you saw the half-time performance, you know that from the chest down, old Mick is smokin' hot, and can still work a stage. I was particularly pleased to see the performance of "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction," which your little blogger went around singing, to her grandparents' horror, at the ripe old age of 3.
Finally, you may have heard that domestic violence soars during the Super Bowl; this seems to be myth. However, here are a few domestic violence resources:
Technorati Tags: abuse; body image; domestic violence; dove; geriatrics; girl scouts
MeSH Tags: Aged AND Exercise; Body Image; Domestic Violence; Self Concept; Spouse Abuse
February is National [blank] Month
Now that Blogger is working again(!), a rundown of health observances set for February 2006:
National Heart Month:
Are you at an increased risk of having a heart attack? - Quiz from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
If you have money to burn, the Nashville Heart Gala is happening this Saturday, February 11, and is a black-tie event to raise money for the American Heart Association.
I posted several other heart health resources for women here.
I have yet to see any listings of local heart health screening events, but will post them as I find them.
National Condom Week (2/13-18):
How to Use a Condom - American Social Health Association
Talking to Your Partner About Condoms - Nemours Foundation
Sexually Transmitted Diseases - National Women's Health Information Center
Preventing STIs: Safer Sex - EngenderHealth
Condoms: Fact Sheet - Kaiser Family Foundation
Condoms -
Birth Control Methods: How Well Do They Work? - Nemours Foundation
Condoms and Sexually Transmitted Diseases - US Food & Drug Administration
National Donor Day (2/14):
Donate Life - organ and tissue donation
About Donation - The Organ and Tissue Transplantation Network
Organ Donation - National Library of Medicine
Glossary - United Network for Organ Sharing
25 Facts About Organ Donation and Transplantation - National Kidney Foundation
Myths About Organ Donation
Organ Donation: Don't Let Myths Stand in Your Way -
Tissue Donation: Statements from Various Religions - American Red Cross
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (2/26-3/4):
Eating Disorders Information - National Eating Disorders Association
Eating Disorders - Nemours Foundation
Facts About Eating Disorders and the Search for Solutions - National Institute of Mental Health
I Think My Friend Has an Eating Disorder, What Should I Do? - Nemours Foundation (for teens)
10 Things Parents Can do to Prevent Eating Disorders and Eating Disorders Survival Guide - National Eating Disorders Association
Technorati Tags: condoms; eating disorders; heart disease; organ donation; sexually transmitted diseases
MeSH Tags: Condoms; Condoms, Female; Eating Disorders; Heart Diseases; Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention and control; Tissue Donors; Tissue and Organ Procurement
National Heart Month:
I posted several other heart health resources for women here.
I have yet to see any listings of local heart health screening events, but will post them as I find them.
National Condom Week (2/13-18):
National Donor Day (2/14):
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (2/26-3/4):
Technorati Tags: condoms; eating disorders; heart disease; organ donation; sexually transmitted diseases
MeSH Tags: Condoms; Condoms, Female; Eating Disorders; Heart Diseases; Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention and control; Tissue Donors; Tissue and Organ Procurement
Friday, February 3, 2006
Women's Heart Health
In honor of Wear Red Day, here are some informational resources on heart health for women.
The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease
Talking to your doctor about your risk for heart disease and stroke - self-assessment and questions to ask your clinician
The National Women's Health Information Center - Heart Health - fact sheets on numerous heart-related topics
The Healthy Heart Handbook for Women - free PDF guide to your heart health
Women's Heart Foundation
American Heart Association - not specific to women
MedlinePlus - Heart Disease in Women (links to lots more info!)
Technorati Tags: heart disease; women's health
MeSH Tags: Heart Diseases
Technorati Tags: heart disease; women's health
MeSH Tags: Heart Diseases
Planned Parenthood Marks Up Emergency Contraception?
According to a story in today's Boston Globe, Planned Parenthood receives its kits of the Plan B emergency contraception from Barr Laboratories for $4.25 each, and typically sells them to patients for $30. That would be a markup of over 600%, a potentially substantial profit as the organization distributed 774,482 of the Plan B kits in 2003. What is not clear from the article is how frequently Planned Parenthood reduces that cost on a sliding scale, or whether that charge includes costs for any examination/staff time.
Because PP has been active in promoting over the counter access to Plan B, a representative for anti-abortion group Concerned Women for America stated, "The profit motive behind Planned Parenthood's involvement in making the morning-after pill [available over the counter] is something that needs to be seriously looked at and questioned," according to the story. However, a PP representative responded, and I think rightly, that "The changes could actually diminish the revenue Plan B generates for the organization because women could buy it in more places." If women can pick up Plan B at any drugstore, fewer women will need to visit PP in order to receive the drug.
However, I would be interested in finding out more about the frequency of the $30 charge for the drug at PP clinics, versus reduced sliding scale pricing. I understand that revenue is needed in order to operate and provide women with valuable services, so a more in depth understanding of the organization's finances would be necessary to fully understand this issue. See the Globe article linked above for a few more details. If PP issues a response, I'll update this post later.
(found via Medpundit)
Technorati Tags: emergency contraception; Plan B; Planned Parenthood
MeSH Tags: Contraception, Postcoital; Levonorgestrel
Because PP has been active in promoting over the counter access to Plan B, a representative for anti-abortion group Concerned Women for America stated, "The profit motive behind Planned Parenthood's involvement in making the morning-after pill [available over the counter] is something that needs to be seriously looked at and questioned," according to the story. However, a PP representative responded, and I think rightly, that "The changes could actually diminish the revenue Plan B generates for the organization because women could buy it in more places." If women can pick up Plan B at any drugstore, fewer women will need to visit PP in order to receive the drug.
However, I would be interested in finding out more about the frequency of the $30 charge for the drug at PP clinics, versus reduced sliding scale pricing. I understand that revenue is needed in order to operate and provide women with valuable services, so a more in depth understanding of the organization's finances would be necessary to fully understand this issue. See the Globe article linked above for a few more details. If PP issues a response, I'll update this post later.
(found via Medpundit)
Technorati Tags: emergency contraception; Plan B; Planned Parenthood
MeSH Tags: Contraception, Postcoital; Levonorgestrel
I love bedtimes.
Rocket racer's all tuckered out
Superman's in pajamas on the couch
Goodnight moon, we'll find the mouse
And I love you
Godspeed, little men
Sweet dreams, little men
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
God bless mommy and match box cars
God bless dad and thanks for the stars
God hears "Amen," wherever we are
And I love you
Godspeed, little men
Sweet dreams, little men
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
(Dixie Chicks, Godspeed)
Thursday, February 2, 2006
Odds and Ends
First, I HATE seeing my boys in pain. And Zachary is in a lot of pain today. It actually started about 1:30 am with the crying and sobbing that his ear hurt. Every mom knows exactly what that is at 1:30 am and so I gave him some pain killer with the thought that I would call his Dr. first thing in the morning for an appt. Well, needless to say, he didn't sleep much or very well after that. Took him to the dr at noon, and sure enough it's an ear infection. No big deal, right? Well, apparently its a rare form of infection that causes a BLISTER on the ear drum and is incredibly painful. She said he was the sickest boy she'd seen all morning. He even turned down the GIGANTIC (I'm talking as big as a salad plate!) cookie saying he just wanted to save it for later. Now, that's one sick little boy! So he has antibiotic and pain killing ear drops that should help better than the tylenol. Poor little guy.
Second, I went to see my dr this morning and learned I had GAINED 5 lbs. I about started crying...I gave up Mt. Dew, have been eating better, and walking and I've gained? I honestly feel like I'm never gonna be rid of this monkey on my back. However, the doc did tell me that I was likely having anxiety/anger attacks and prescribed some stuff along with keeping with my stress relieving exercises. So we'll see. I just want to go back to a happy, go-lucky mommy! say the darndest things! Actual conversation that I had last night with Zachary.
Me: It's going to be bathtime soon.
Z: Nah, let's just skip bath tonight.
Me: Um, no. You guys are all grubby from your ice cream cones.
Z: *licking his hands* Not anymore. I'm getting all cleaned up now.
*LOL* That's my boy. Always trying to find a way around something!
Lucas Michael has attached himself to this big dog that his Grandma and Grandpa L got him for his birth. It's huge...about as big as he is. Well, he carries it around the house, rides it, races it against his brother's big dog, and sleeps with it. It's so cute seeing him pull this gigantic dog onto his chest and give his nose kisses. And then he asks me to give the dog's nose kisses. Then tells me "dog" (Yea! Another new word! Along with "ruff!") and wants me to pet the dog to sleep. Most kids have small security blankets or animals. Not my boy. He's got a dog as big as he is!
Second, I went to see my dr this morning and learned I had GAINED 5 lbs. I about started crying...I gave up Mt. Dew, have been eating better, and walking and I've gained? I honestly feel like I'm never gonna be rid of this monkey on my back. However, the doc did tell me that I was likely having anxiety/anger attacks and prescribed some stuff along with keeping with my stress relieving exercises. So we'll see. I just want to go back to a happy, go-lucky mommy! say the darndest things! Actual conversation that I had last night with Zachary.
Me: It's going to be bathtime soon.
Z: Nah, let's just skip bath tonight.
Me: Um, no. You guys are all grubby from your ice cream cones.
Z: *licking his hands* Not anymore. I'm getting all cleaned up now.
*LOL* That's my boy. Always trying to find a way around something!

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