Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Prevent Complications Associated With Cesarean Delivery

A wonderful, concise, evidence-based article by Dr. Patrick Duff was published in the December edition of Obstetrics and Gynecology entitled, "A Simple Checklist for Preventing Major Complications Associated with Cesarean Delivery".

Dr. Duff proposed the following evidence-based eight steps to significantly reduce maternal morbidity and mortality associated with cesarean delivery:

1. Clip the hair at the surgical site just before making the incision

2. Cleanse the skin with chlorhexidine solution rather than povidone-iodine solution

3. Administer broad-spectrum systemic antibiotic prophylaxis before the surgical incision rather than after the neonate's umbilical cord is clamped

4. Remove the placenta by traction on the umbilical cord rather than by manual extraction

5. Close the uterine incision in two layers rather than one

6. In women whose subcutaneous tissue is greater than 2 cm in thickness, close the layer with a running suture

7. Patients at intermediate risk for deep vein thrombosis [BMI > 30, those with gross varicose veins, those immobilized for > 4 days before surgery, those who have concurrent medical illness that predisposes to thromboembolism (e.g. sickle cell disease, sickle cell C disease, cancer, antiphospholipid syndrome, hereditary thrombophilia with no history of DVT or PE)] should receive prophylaxis postoperatively with either sequential compression devices or subcutaneous heparin

8. Patients at high risk for postoperative deep vein thrombosis (those with more than two risk factors in the moderate-risk category, those with prior DVT or PE, those who have a cesarean hysterectomy) should receive prophylaxis with both sequential compression devices and subcutaneous heparin until the patient is fully ambulatory

Referenced article: Obstet Gynecol 2010;116:1393-6

Monday, November 22, 2010

Five Simple New Year’s Resolutions Starters

We now enter an interesting time of year – the Holiday Season. We become festive and at the same time introspective. It can be a time of excess food and drink and yet at the same time we start to ponder our New Year’s Resolution – changes we will make or what we will do differently in the coming year. For many the last thing we want to hear about is how to eat healthier, but why not, that’s what I do! Here’s a few simple suggestions for a healthier New Year, or perhaps you may want to start them now!

1. Start your morning off with a healthy protein shake for breakfast. Please use whey or rice based protein and avoid soy (I’ve written in the past on the dangers of soy protein). This is a great way to get your breakfast protein. Remember we want to have protein with each meal. And, it is a great way to eat some fruit (like a cup of frozen berries) for antioxidant protection and fiber. Berries – blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries have the most antioxidants, but you can also use half a banana, pineapple, mango, cherries, or kiwi. You can even add in some yogurt or kefir for probiotics (the good bacteria) to help your digestion and some ground flax seeds, flax seed oil, or chia seeds for healthy fats.

2. While we’re talking fats – make your own salad dressings from extra virgin olive oil and use it! Mix the olive oil with balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar, or lemon juice; add some garlic, Dijon mustard, or other spices and you have a very tasty dressing. Have a salad with some chicken or tuna for lunch, or have a side salad with dinner.

3. Eat one organic carrot a day! And I don’t mean a “baby” carrot. You do know there really is no such thing as a baby carrot, right? The carrot has lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber; and if it is organic you don’t even have to peel it. Just wash, eat and enjoy!

4. Eat one serving of leafy greens per day. You can get these in your salad from a variety of lettuces (no iceberg please) or for the most nutrition have kale, chard, mustard greens, collard greens, beet greens, or spinach. Except for lettuce, all the other leafy greens I mentioned are best steamed or sauted to get the most nutrition from them and they tend to taste better, particularly when sauted with garlic and butter!

5. Make home-made soups. As it gets colder our body wants to be warmed and home-made soup is a great way to do it. Start from scratch, if it is beef based or chicken based use the bones! Why does chicken soup have the reputation for healing? Because of all the nutrients (minerals) that leach out of the bones while it is being cooked. Soup is also a great way to get your vegetables in – celery, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, cabbage – and many more all go great in soup. I’ve recently become fond of cooking the soup and for the final touch putting it my VitaMax for a tasty blended soup. That’s a great way to hide the vegetables from the veggie-phobics in the family!

So, there you have it. What do you say? These aren’t too bad are they? Try them out, one or all of them. I can guarantee you’ll be pleased if you do.

Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and Educator. He works with individuals, groups, and at corporations to create individualized nutrition and wellness programs. His office is in Thiensville, WI. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, call (262) 389-9907 or go to www.brwellness.com.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Guest Blog - Impacts of Oral Contraceptives on Sexually Transmitted Disease

This article is courtesy of Kristin Davis.  She is an advocate for women's health who enjoys writing and aspires to be a journalist in New York City one day. Let me know what you think!

Although instances of unwanted pregnancy have declined recently, rates of sexually transmitted disease continue to climb. This might be explained by society’s views toward sexuality and which behaviors are acceptable and which are considered taboo. While society still clings to social stigmas regarding unwanted pregnancy, sexual promiscuity has largely been accepted. This discrepancy in societal attitude is ironic because sexual promiscuity is actually more dangerous than unintended pregnancy. While young women have several safe options in the event of an unwanted pregnancy, women who become infected with these diseases risk spreading the illness to others, permanent damage to their bodies and even death. Unfortunately, with this fixation to avoid pregnancy, many women ignore protection against this physical risk. Based on recent health trends, it is obvious that measures to prevent pregnancy do not ensure safety from disease as well.

Social stigmas regarding contraceptive use have also largely been replaced. However, many issues remain when choosing which method, including effectiveness, convenience, health risks and long term consequences. While condoms might have been the most accepted preventative tool of unwanted pregnancy, oral contraceptives have now stepped in as the leading product. These products are easy for women to use, highly effective at preventing pregnancy and affordable. Unfortunately, these contraceptives also give couples no protection against sexually transmitted disease, which could explain the rise of disease seen in America today.

It is obvious, then, that women are unaware of this method’s limitations. In fact, a serious lack of available information regarding their effectiveness and safety remains. While tempting to trust manufacturers of these contraceptives, it’s important to realize that because of this drug’s popularity, oral contraceptive manufacturing has become a major industry with huge profit potential. Drug manufacturers now promote their products heavily and send promotional materials to many health facilities. The U.S. government even endorses the use of these drugs, sending these contraceptives to family planning clinics targeting indigent, unmarried women.

Unfortunately, this heavy marketing and wide use often misleads young adults into believing these products are total health safeguards. Many oral contraceptives also advertise their products as cures to many other health conditions, including acne and mood swings. Although these products have led to the welcome decline in unwanted pregnancy, the increased rate of sexually transmitted disease might actually be a result of misconceptions regarding these products. Teens protected from pregnancy might be emboldened to have unprotected sex, believing disease prevention is just one more benefit of these “miracle drugs.”

Indeed, manufacturers of these contraceptives have little motivation to dispel these misconceptions. In fact, several manufacturers have been found guilty of contributing to the rampant misunderstanding surrounding their products, regularly failing to point out important details regarding safety. One oral contraceptive producer, Bayer HealthCare, was cited by the FDA for their misleading television advertisements. Labeling their product a total quality-of-life aid, the FDA found these ads further misled teens with unproven claims. Furthermore, Bayer was cited for substandard conditions in a plant its ingredients were manufactured in. However, the drug company’s annual multi-million dollar advertising campaigns continue to overshadow these revelations and keep its product the most popular form of oral contraception today.

Although Bayer’s lack of corporate integrity is disturbing, the severe physical consequence of these drugs is even more striking. Oral contraceptives are hormone-altering pills and can actually lead to permanent side effects, like the possibility of infertility. Originally introduced in the 1960’s, evidence today links the growing use of these drugs with the rise of cancer seen in U.S. women. Although easily dismissed by their harmless appearance, these drugs literally upset numerous significant aspects of women’s physiology as they trick the body into believing it is pregnant.

The growing number of Yaz lawsuits today highlights just how serious the health consequences of these pills are. Users of Yaz, the most popular oral contraceptive sold today, have experienced severe side effects including heart attack, stroke, blood clots, pulmonary embolisms and gallbladder disease, with some cases even ending in death. However, until sexually transmitted disease becomes the focal point of reckless sexuality, pregnancy prevention will continue to be the focus of young women, to the exclusion of other risks. A reversal in the growing trend of sexually transmitted disease requires women first learn about the limitations and dangers of this contraceptive option before blindly trusting their health and safety to it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mindfulness and Parenting

A very helpful excerpt on the benefits of practicing mindfulness while undertaking the challenges of parenting - from Jon Kabat-Zinn's chapter "Parenting and Practice" in Wherever You Go There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everday Life.

And it gets more challenging as the children grow older and develop their own ideas and strong wills. It's one thing to look after the needs of babies, which are very simple, after all, especially before they can talk and when they are at their absolute cutest and most adorable. It's quite another to see clearly and to respond effectively and with some modicum of wisdom and balance (after all, you are the adult) when there is a continual clash of wills with older children, who are not always so cute and cuddly, who can argue circles around you, tease each other mercilessly, fight, rebel, refuse to listen, get into social situations in which they need your guidance and clarity but may not be open to it; in short, whose needs require a constant energy output that leaves you little time for yourself...

These trials are not impediments to either parenting or mindfulness practice. They are the practice if you can remember to see it this way. Otherwise, your life as a parent can become one very long and unsatisfying burden, in which your lack of strength and clarity of purpose may lead to forgetting to honor or even see the inner goodness of your children and yourself.

Children can easily become wounded and diminished from a childhood which consistently fails to adequately honor their needs and their inner beauty. Wounding will just create more problems for them and for the family, problems with self-confidence, with communication and competencies, problems that don't disappear on their own as the children grow older but usually amplify...

It is obvious that, with all that energy going outward, there has to be some source of energy coming in which nurtures and revitalizes the parents...I can think of only two possible sources (of this energy): outside support from your partner, other family memebers, friends, baby-sitters and so on and from doing things you love, at least occasionally; and inner support, which you could get from a formal meditation practice...if you can make even a little time in your life for stillness, for just being, for just sitting, or for doing a little yoga, for nourishing yourself in ways that you need to be nourished...

Parenting and family life can be a perfect field for nindfulness practice, but it's not for the weak-hearted, the selfish or lazy, or the hopelessly romantic. Parenting is a mirror that forces you to look at yourself. If you can learn from what you observe, you just may have a chance to keep growing yourself.

Picture: My husband, Stuart and our three sons in 2003 (Mitch 19, Shayne 14, Alex 13)
I wish I knew then what I know now!

Monday, November 1, 2010

November 2010 Newsletter

Would you believe it is already November? It's getting to be "Holiday Season" - the nutrition consultant's nightmare time of the year. Why? Well - who wants to hear about healthy eating during the holiday season? Yet, this is probably one of the times we can do the most damage due to the readily available excess food and drink. So, please do your best! Remember - balance and moderation.

I'm a big believer in two sayings. One is that you learn something new every day. Two is that if you don't know the answer to a question your best response is, "I don't know." My feature article this month deals with that exact situation. I was asked a great question - basically - how to large herbivores (animals that eat only plants) get so large? To find out read below.

November is another busy workshop month for me so I encourage you to attend or pass along the information to friends. I'll be doing another round of Nutrition Boot Camp at HeartSpace in Thiensville on the 20th and 21st and my Rejuvenation and Relaxation workshop at the Port Washington Recreation Center also on the 20th. Rejuvenation and Relaxation is one of my favorites. Come learn simple 10 minute techniques to both relax and rejuvenate the body! For full details of the workshops click here:

Protein: Are You Eating Enough or How to Cows Get So Big and Not Eat Meat?

The inspiration for this article comes from two absolute truths: One – you learn something new every day; and two – if you don’t know the answer it is best to say so rather than make something up! Recently I was asked a great question during a Nutrition Boot Camp workshop. I was discussing the importance of eating animal protein. I was asked if it is so important how do cows and other animals that don’t eat meat grow so large. I had never really thought about it, so it provided an excellent learning opportunity.

First, a little background. What is protein? It is one of the six core nutrients that we humans require for life (the others being fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water). Protein is the structural basis of our body. It builds and repairs tissues and cells. It makes our hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters, and antibodies. As you can see, protein is pretty important stuff! And remember, our body is essentially one big chemical factory and these processes go on continuously. Therefore, we need a constant supply of protein which is why I recommend to my clients that they consume protein with each meal and that it is approximately 30-35% of their diet. One of the factors I believe behind all the chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease is that most people do not consume enough healthy protein. In fact, if you do the math of the government recommended 2000 calorie diet, it comes out to approximately 60% carbohydrate, 30% fat, and 10% protein. If you’d like to read more about the connection between high carbohydrate diets and disease I strongly recommend Gary Taubes book Good Calories, Bad Calories.

To continue reading click here: http://brwellness.blogspot.com/2010/10/protein-are-you-eating-enough-or-how-to.html

Positive Results from Earthing in One Night

Earthing? What’s that? I’m guessing that is what you are saying to yourself. Let me explain what I believe may be the latest and greatest breakthrough in natural health!

Yesterday I received my much anticipated copy of best selling nutrition author Ann Louise Gittleman’s latest book Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn't Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution. The title pretty much tells it all. The short of it is that we are being exposed to increasing amounts of electromagnetic fields which disturb our body’s natural energy. The results for some people have become toxicity, fatigue, irritability, weakness, and diseases that no doctor can explain.

One of the solutions is a new concept called “Earthing” developed by Dr. Stephen Sinatra, Clinton Ober, and Martin Zucker. Along with my copy of Zapped I received one of the Earthing devices – the Earthing Universal Mat. This mat has several different ways to use it. I chose to sleep on it. Prior to going to bad my lower back was quite sore and I must admit the first part of my sleep was not very sound. I awoke around 2:00, but then something happened. I had a very interesting dream featuring a spiritual leader massaging my lower back with special healing energy and when I awoke in the morning my back felt great! Coincidence? I don’t think so. I look forward to continue to explore this device and getting some additional ones!

To learn more about the book and the Earthing devices, follow this link: http://www.unikeyhealth.com/?a=1003.

To continue reading click here: http://brwellness.blogspot.com/2010/10/positive-results-from-earthing-in-one.html