Here are five key nutrients that most of us are not getting enough of from our diet. One of them is likely not a surprise to you. In fact I call it the "vitamin du jour" - the one everyone is talking about - Vitamin D. The others are Magnesium, Vitamin B12, Potassium, and Iodine.
Vitamin D is required for healthy bones and teeth. It allows for absorption of Calcium and Phosphorus in the intestine. It maintains a stable nervous system and normal heart action. A recent study in Circulation found that people deficient in Vitamin D were up to 80% more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke. The belief is that Vitamin D may reduce inflammation in the arteries. (Men's Health, April 2009)
Lack of Vitamin D may cause osteoporosis or softening of bones, rickets, tooth decay, poor healing of fractures, lack of vigor, muscular weakness, inadequate absorption of calcium, or retention of phosphorus in the kidneys.
Vitamin D is created in the body from the Sun's ultraviolet B rays (yes those very rays that we are protecting our self from with sunscreen). Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, so people following "low fat" diets may not have the right kind or sufficient fat to absorb and assimilate the vitamin.
The best way to check Vitamin D levels is the 25-hydroxyvitamin D test. The best sources of Vitamin D are cod liver oil, eggs, butter, and oily fish (mackerel, salmon, sardines, and herring).
Magnesium is needed for over 300 different bodily processes. Magnesium helps prevent heart attacks by regulating the neuromuscular activity of the heart and maintaining normal heart rhythm. It helps prevent calcium deposits, kidney stones, and gallstones. Magnesium is needed for proper Calcium and Vitamin C metabolism. It converts blood sugar into energy. And, has been found to aid in bowel regularity.
A shortage of magnesium can show up in a variety of emotional symptoms such as nervousness, tension, and confusion. On a physical level it can result in tremors, muscular excitability, gallstones, kidney stones, or constipation. It has also been linked to blood clots in the heart and brain, along with brittle bones.
If you drink alcohol or eat a lot of sweets, it may be a good idea to supplement with magnesium. Alcohol and sugar deplete magnesium in the body.
Your best sources of magnesium are dark green vegetables, most nuts, seeds, and legumes, whole grains, and avocado.
Vitamin B12 regulates the nervous system, increases energy and agility, and is required for the formation and regeneration of red blood cells. It is necessary for carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism, as well as calcium and iron absorption. It helps improves mental condition and attitude.
Lack of Vitamin B12 is related to fatigue, dizziness, poor appetite, itching, stinging or burning sensation of the skin. Severe deficiency will cause pernicious or iron deficiency anemia. Vitamin B12 is important for nervous system, so deficiencies will cause nervousness, neuritis, neuropathy, degeneration of the spinal cord, depression, lack of balance, or loss of motor control.
An important aspect to B12. My research tells me it needs to come from animal sources to be properly utilized and absorbed by the human body. Tests on "vegetarian" B12 supplements indicate the body is not getting the B12. The best food sources of B12 are meat, most fish (especially the oily ones), crabs, oysters, eggs, and yogurt. Organ meats such as liver, heart and kidney are also high in B12.
Potassium is effective in reducing and preventing high blood pressure. Very important - it works with sodium to regulate the body's waste balance and normalize heart rhythms. It will help to increase energy and support clear thinking by sending oxygen to the brain. It preserves proper alkalinity of body fluids, stimulates the kidneys to eliminate poisonous body wastes, and promotes healthy skin.
Lack of potassium can lead to high blood pressure, poor reflexes, nervous disorders, respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, or muscle damage.
The balance of sodium and potassium is very important in the body. So, loading up on high sodium foods can further get the body out of balance.
The best sources of potassium are leafy green vegetables, broccoli, peas, lima beans, tomatoes, potatoes (skins), citrus fruits, bananas, apples, avocados, raisins, whole grains, fish, and meat.
Iodine is required by the thyroid gland to produce its hormones which ultimately control the body's metabolism - or how efficiently you burn calories. It is important for mental agility and promotes healthy hair, nails, skin, and teeth. Iodine is also helpful for breast health, particularly in women.
Lack of iodine can cause serious problems for the body due to the lack of thyroid hormone production. It can lead to weight gain, fatigue, cold hands and feet, dry skin and hair, impaired reflexes, slow speech and mental reaction, loss of physical and mental vigor, and skin sores.
I've been doing a lot of research into iodine recently and have concluded that most of us are lacking. A great source of information on iodine is
The best sources of iodine are from the sea - fish, shellfish, and sea vegetables (particularly kelp). Bromine, which is added to many baked goods and breads, is an iodine depletor.
Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and Educator. He works with individuals, groups, and at corporations to create individualized nutrition and wellness programs. He is an expert in the field of Nutrition and Erectile Dysfunction. His office is in Thiensville, WI. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, e-mail at, call (262) 389-9907 or go to
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde
So yesterday, after writing my Thursday post, I was thinking about something to write for my Friday “TGIF” post. I decided before I left work, that I needed to write about Zachary.
So glad you asked! Because at the end of January, his therapist came to the school to meet with the teachers, principal, special ed director, counselors, parapro and us for his IEP--or in layman’s terms Individualized Educational Plan.
During this meeting, Dr. Frank explained what actually goes on inside a child’s brain…a child like Zachary and gave them real life examples of how to deal with situations that arise. And she did it so much more eloquently than I ever could have. Here’s the thing that was a little annoying to me: Nothing that she said is really anything that I hadn’t said before. But before, I was the crazy, overprotective mother. Dr. Frank has a PhD behind her name which made them sit up and listen. And I’m thankful for that.
Because after that point, and for the last 6 weeks things have been going along fabulously. No restraints at home. No restraints at school. On March 2, he did get sent home for throwing a tantrum and throwing his crayons on the floor (got sent home for it being an “act of violence”) but I was proud that he didn’t throw them AT someone. That’s improvement! He has been having really good reports come home daily (6-8 yeses a day with 8 being the most he can get!)
Today would have been one whole week of 8 yeses a day. That’s what we were striving for…and if he achieved that he’d have gotten a special treat this weekend.
I should have NEVER thought this. I swear I jinxed it.
Last Night: Bedtime.
He was working on a cootie catcher (didn’t we do those later in elementary school?) I had already told him twice to get into bed. Lucas and I had read his KEEP books and worked on his sight word list already. It’s time to get into bed. I tell Zachary that because he didn’t follow directions there would be no book tonight. Still, nothing. I go into the kitchen and take the cootie catcher away from him. He grabs it back rips it to shreds, starts kicking me. This starts a 40 minute war with Mr. Hyde. As per our agreement with Dr. Frank and Zachary, he is not allowed to hit, punch, kick, bite, scratch, attack physically in any way anyone purposefully. If he does, and tries to continue to do so or hurt himself, he will be physically restrained.
My child is strong. He’s a 6 year old, 65 lb muscle machine. Chuck and I restrained Zachary until he told us he was ready to be calm again. Then he and I cried together. I explained that I do not want to hurt him. I do not like restraining him. It hurts my feelings just as it hurts his feeling to have me do it. (tears are welling up now) We fell asleep cuddling together. Mr. Hyde was gone and my adorable, loving Dr. Jekyll was back.
I was worried about what today would hold and so was not horribly surprised when I got a call from the school to come and pick up Zachary for fighting. However, the situation is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Another boy started pushing Zachary (this has been confirmed by both children) and Zachary asked him to stop, but didn’t push back (again, confirmed by both children). Zachary got angrier and angrier as the other boy kept pushing until Zachary snapped and punched him and ran away to get control.
Now I don’t condone violence. But Zachary was the only one sent home. Didn’t that bullying-violence kinda go both ways? I’m proud that Zachary stood up for himself….even if I don’t think he was necessarily right for punching.
When I got there to pick up Zachary, he was already calm and collected and had processed the events with the sub-principal. Everything was fine and right again.
I don’t think I have to say it, but Zachary didn’t get a perfect day today. Like I said…I think I jinxed it. I hope we have a good weekend….pray we don’t have Mr. Hyde in our presence.
So glad you asked! Because at the end of January, his therapist came to the school to meet with the teachers, principal, special ed director, counselors, parapro and us for his IEP--or in layman’s terms Individualized Educational Plan.
During this meeting, Dr. Frank explained what actually goes on inside a child’s brain…a child like Zachary and gave them real life examples of how to deal with situations that arise. And she did it so much more eloquently than I ever could have. Here’s the thing that was a little annoying to me: Nothing that she said is really anything that I hadn’t said before. But before, I was the crazy, overprotective mother. Dr. Frank has a PhD behind her name which made them sit up and listen. And I’m thankful for that.
Because after that point, and for the last 6 weeks things have been going along fabulously. No restraints at home. No restraints at school. On March 2, he did get sent home for throwing a tantrum and throwing his crayons on the floor (got sent home for it being an “act of violence”) but I was proud that he didn’t throw them AT someone. That’s improvement! He has been having really good reports come home daily (6-8 yeses a day with 8 being the most he can get!)
Today would have been one whole week of 8 yeses a day. That’s what we were striving for…and if he achieved that he’d have gotten a special treat this weekend.
I should have NEVER thought this. I swear I jinxed it.
Last Night: Bedtime.
He was working on a cootie catcher (didn’t we do those later in elementary school?) I had already told him twice to get into bed. Lucas and I had read his KEEP books and worked on his sight word list already. It’s time to get into bed. I tell Zachary that because he didn’t follow directions there would be no book tonight. Still, nothing. I go into the kitchen and take the cootie catcher away from him. He grabs it back rips it to shreds, starts kicking me. This starts a 40 minute war with Mr. Hyde. As per our agreement with Dr. Frank and Zachary, he is not allowed to hit, punch, kick, bite, scratch, attack physically in any way anyone purposefully. If he does, and tries to continue to do so or hurt himself, he will be physically restrained.
My child is strong. He’s a 6 year old, 65 lb muscle machine. Chuck and I restrained Zachary until he told us he was ready to be calm again. Then he and I cried together. I explained that I do not want to hurt him. I do not like restraining him. It hurts my feelings just as it hurts his feeling to have me do it. (tears are welling up now) We fell asleep cuddling together. Mr. Hyde was gone and my adorable, loving Dr. Jekyll was back.
I was worried about what today would hold and so was not horribly surprised when I got a call from the school to come and pick up Zachary for fighting. However, the situation is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Another boy started pushing Zachary (this has been confirmed by both children) and Zachary asked him to stop, but didn’t push back (again, confirmed by both children). Zachary got angrier and angrier as the other boy kept pushing until Zachary snapped and punched him and ran away to get control.
Now I don’t condone violence. But Zachary was the only one sent home. Didn’t that bullying-violence kinda go both ways? I’m proud that Zachary stood up for himself….even if I don’t think he was necessarily right for punching.
When I got there to pick up Zachary, he was already calm and collected and had processed the events with the sub-principal. Everything was fine and right again.
I don’t think I have to say it, but Zachary didn’t get a perfect day today. Like I said…I think I jinxed it. I hope we have a good weekend….pray we don’t have Mr. Hyde in our presence.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My new resolution
I've thought about this long and hard.
I've decided that I'm going to work to post every day for the rest of the month of March. Kind of like my own artistic, mental break. Plus, honestly, I LOVE going back and reading my thoughts and feelings and what the kids were doing later that month, that year, or the next.
Now, here's the problem. After I made this resolution yesterday and started on my way to doing that by posting for my first time in a month or so, I found out this morning that my wonderful, darling husband somehow knocked our laptop off the arm of the couch and onto the floor. Breaking off the pin of the power cord.
Because I don't know about your laptops, but ours has a battery lifespan of, oh, about 7.5 minutes before it's beeping at us saying "Hey! Plug me in, I'm dying over here!"
So the simple thing is to go out and buy a new power cord, right? Sure! But see, we've made another resolution which is to stick to our budget! Which is much easier said than done as there is so much fun stuff out there to do and see and buy with or for our kids and ourselves. Problem is, there's not enough money to buy anything off the budget and still pay our bills and our babysitter. Oh, and food.
And since I'm on the topic of food. My kids eat. A LOT. Since last Thursday (when I went grocery shopping for our 2 week supply of food) they have eaten 5 boxes of cereal, 1 box of oatmeal, 16 waffles, 12 krabby patties; that's just for breakfasts! I don't know what we're going to do when the boys get older and really hit their growth spurts! (I'll jump to growth spurts in just a minute.) This morning I explained that I wasn't sure what we going to eat for breakfast next week as I won't be shopping until next Thursday and they only have about 12 krabby patties left plus a few waffles. I guess I'll be getting up a few extra minutes early to make them some farm fresh scrambled eggs.
Now, I understand that eating all this healthy food and lots of it along with their 3 glasses of milk a day causes them to grow. But seriously? In September, we bought Zachary several pairs of new-to-us jeans in a size 8 slim. While the slims are starting to get slightly snug, they are not tight. However, the size 8 length is something to be desired. Most of those jeans are now about 3/4 inch above his ankles. He's still only SIX and will be needing size 9 slims all too soon. Thank God that summer is coming and he can wear shorts.
I've decided that I'm going to work to post every day for the rest of the month of March. Kind of like my own artistic, mental break. Plus, honestly, I LOVE going back and reading my thoughts and feelings and what the kids were doing later that month, that year, or the next.
Now, here's the problem. After I made this resolution yesterday and started on my way to doing that by posting for my first time in a month or so, I found out this morning that my wonderful, darling husband somehow knocked our laptop off the arm of the couch and onto the floor. Breaking off the pin of the power cord.
Because I don't know about your laptops, but ours has a battery lifespan of, oh, about 7.5 minutes before it's beeping at us saying "Hey! Plug me in, I'm dying over here!"
So the simple thing is to go out and buy a new power cord, right? Sure! But see, we've made another resolution which is to stick to our budget! Which is much easier said than done as there is so much fun stuff out there to do and see and buy with or for our kids and ourselves. Problem is, there's not enough money to buy anything off the budget and still pay our bills and our babysitter. Oh, and food.
And since I'm on the topic of food. My kids eat. A LOT. Since last Thursday (when I went grocery shopping for our 2 week supply of food) they have eaten 5 boxes of cereal, 1 box of oatmeal, 16 waffles, 12 krabby patties; that's just for breakfasts! I don't know what we're going to do when the boys get older and really hit their growth spurts! (I'll jump to growth spurts in just a minute.) This morning I explained that I wasn't sure what we going to eat for breakfast next week as I won't be shopping until next Thursday and they only have about 12 krabby patties left plus a few waffles. I guess I'll be getting up a few extra minutes early to make them some farm fresh scrambled eggs.
Now, I understand that eating all this healthy food and lots of it along with their 3 glasses of milk a day causes them to grow. But seriously? In September, we bought Zachary several pairs of new-to-us jeans in a size 8 slim. While the slims are starting to get slightly snug, they are not tight. However, the size 8 length is something to be desired. Most of those jeans are now about 3/4 inch above his ankles. He's still only SIX and will be needing size 9 slims all too soon. Thank God that summer is coming and he can wear shorts.
(Zachary being a spy...with his lego gun, spy gear radio, and swim goggles)
And Lucas isn't much better. He's in size 6's already and isn't even in kindergarden yet. I went to a friends' house the other night and Lucas was standing a good 4 inches over Gabe...who is a year older than him. It always surprises me to see my children next to kids of their own age.(Lucas enjoying his pizza at the indoor waterpark. Most of the best pics of Luke are of eating, hmmmmmm.....)
So, look for me. Mark your pages. Put it on the calendar. And bug me if I don't post ;)Wednesday, March 11, 2009
To Pass or Not to Pass the Salt - That is the Question
Pass the salt or not to pass the salt, that is the question. This is another area of nutrition confusion. To begin our understanding of this we have to recognize the difference between salt and sodium. Sodium is essential to life. Just as I discussed how the sweet taste coincides with our need for Vitamin C, our tongue also senses salt, so we can get the sodium we need. What does sodium do? It is critical for the ongoing health of every cell in our body. That’s a pretty important job! It is part of the fluid between the cells. Along with its partner potassium, the two minerals balance the nutrient and waste exchange of each cell. Sodium is also in our blood, our lymphatic fluid, and is required for the production of hydrochloric acid so we can digest our food. Sodium is involved in nerve and muscle functioning where it again teams with potassium. It also maintains our body’s fluid balance, electrolyte balance, and pH balance.
You can certainly see that we need sodium. So, where do we get it? There are many places. Healthy sources of natural sodium include vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, and meat. Unfortunately, the place where most of us get it is refined table salt or sodium added to processed foods. These are unhealthy forms of sodium. Like all other processed or refined foods, they have been stripped of all the naturally occurring minerals. In this case of table salt all that remains are the sodium and chloride. In addition, during the manufacturing process it is chemically cleaned, bleached, and heated so high that the chemical structure changes. Anticaking agents are added so the salt will not mix with water when in your salt shaker. This is fine in the salt shaker, but it does the same thing in your body. The refined salt does not dissolve and combine with the water and fluids in our body. So what does it do? It builds up in the body and leaves deposits in our tissues and organs leading health problems such as hypertension (high blood pressure), calcium deficiency, osteoporosis, fluid retention, weight gain, headaches, stomach ulcers, and stomach cancer to name a few.
How much sodium do you need? The answer is based on individual needs. As a guideline, the FDA recommended a maximum of 2400 milligrams daily. That is the equivalent of approximately one and a quarter teaspoons of natural salt. Because most of us eat the Standard American Diet (SAD) high in processed and refined foods and low in healthy fruits and vegetables many of us far exceed that level.
One of the big misconceptions about salt is that we need to use salt that is iodized. Iodine is necessary for the thyroid gland to function correctly. Iodine has been added to table salt for that purpose. However, unrefined sea salt, Celtic salt, or Himalayan salt are examples of natural salts that contain many minerals and foods such as ocean fish, kelp, and other sea vegetables also contain iodine. Celtic salt, Himalayan salt, and unrefined sea salt are the healthy salts that I recommend to my clients. For more information on iodine I highly recommend the web site One way to determine whether or not you have sufficient iodine is called the iodine patch test. You can Google “iodine patch test” for more information and instructions.
Many people crave salt. That may be an indication that your adrenal glands are stressed out, meaning you are stressed out. According to Chinese medicine salt cravings are a sign of too much sugar or alcohol in the diet and the body’s way to come back into balance. Sometimes salt cravings can be a warning for oncoming hypertension. One of the best sources I know of for learning more about salt is Ann Louise Gittleman’s Get the Salt Out. You can get her book at
Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and Educator. He works with individuals, groups, and at corporations to create individualized nutrition and wellness programs. He is an expert in the field of Nutrition and Erectile Dysfunction. His office is in Thiensville, WI. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, e-mail at, call (262) 389-9907 or go to
You can certainly see that we need sodium. So, where do we get it? There are many places. Healthy sources of natural sodium include vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, and meat. Unfortunately, the place where most of us get it is refined table salt or sodium added to processed foods. These are unhealthy forms of sodium. Like all other processed or refined foods, they have been stripped of all the naturally occurring minerals. In this case of table salt all that remains are the sodium and chloride. In addition, during the manufacturing process it is chemically cleaned, bleached, and heated so high that the chemical structure changes. Anticaking agents are added so the salt will not mix with water when in your salt shaker. This is fine in the salt shaker, but it does the same thing in your body. The refined salt does not dissolve and combine with the water and fluids in our body. So what does it do? It builds up in the body and leaves deposits in our tissues and organs leading health problems such as hypertension (high blood pressure), calcium deficiency, osteoporosis, fluid retention, weight gain, headaches, stomach ulcers, and stomach cancer to name a few.
How much sodium do you need? The answer is based on individual needs. As a guideline, the FDA recommended a maximum of 2400 milligrams daily. That is the equivalent of approximately one and a quarter teaspoons of natural salt. Because most of us eat the Standard American Diet (SAD) high in processed and refined foods and low in healthy fruits and vegetables many of us far exceed that level.
One of the big misconceptions about salt is that we need to use salt that is iodized. Iodine is necessary for the thyroid gland to function correctly. Iodine has been added to table salt for that purpose. However, unrefined sea salt, Celtic salt, or Himalayan salt are examples of natural salts that contain many minerals and foods such as ocean fish, kelp, and other sea vegetables also contain iodine. Celtic salt, Himalayan salt, and unrefined sea salt are the healthy salts that I recommend to my clients. For more information on iodine I highly recommend the web site One way to determine whether or not you have sufficient iodine is called the iodine patch test. You can Google “iodine patch test” for more information and instructions.
Many people crave salt. That may be an indication that your adrenal glands are stressed out, meaning you are stressed out. According to Chinese medicine salt cravings are a sign of too much sugar or alcohol in the diet and the body’s way to come back into balance. Sometimes salt cravings can be a warning for oncoming hypertension. One of the best sources I know of for learning more about salt is Ann Louise Gittleman’s Get the Salt Out. You can get her book at
Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and Educator. He works with individuals, groups, and at corporations to create individualized nutrition and wellness programs. He is an expert in the field of Nutrition and Erectile Dysfunction. His office is in Thiensville, WI. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, e-mail at, call (262) 389-9907 or go to
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