Monday, January 30, 2006

Getting Ready for the State of the Union

You may need the resources below if you plan on playing this game, or this variation from last year. Enjoy, or suffer through, the SOTU responsibly! :)

  • Alcohol poisoning: a serious consequence of binge drinking (
  • Alcohol: A Women's Health Issue (Nat'l Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism)
  • Hangovers (
  • Harmful Interactions: Mixing Alcohol with Medicines (Nat'l Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism)
  • Alcohol Poisoning: How to Help a Drunk Friend (Cowell Student Health Center)

    Technorati Tags: ; ;
    MeSH Tags: Alcohol Drinking/adverse effects
  • Sunday, January 29, 2006

    Mysterious Ways

    We went to church this weekend. It's been a few weekends since we've been, mostly because we've been out of town almost every weekend for holidays or post-holiday functions. However, I love going to church. I can almost always find something within the sermon that pertains very specifically to my life. I was not disappointed.

    God works in very mysterious ways. Hot on the heels of my post regarding anxiety/anger attacks and possible depression, Sunday's sermon was regarding anxiety and stress. Deacon Andy broke down all the stresses/anxieties we have in our lives and according to surveys/studies only 8% of anxiety is warranted. 8%. He concluded with the message of offer up all your anxiety to the Lord and rely on him to help. I prayed about that during our quiet time after Communion. And he's right. I only need to trust and have faith that God has a plan for me and to try to work towards that plan.

    I am also trying to figure out our current daycare/work arrangements. I'm concerned about the boys in the current daycare and then there's a position that opened up on days for Chuck and on nights, again, for me. What to do? I've been stressing about the right decision for the family. One of the lines in our hymns this weekend was "Don't be afraid. I will always go before you." I felt that message go straight to my heart.

    Now we come to the other message that goes straight to my heart, everytime single time I go to church. And that is that these deep seeded feelings that we're not done having children. I don't know whether it's my desire to have a little girl (and there are TONS of baby girls in church) or that God has a plan for us yet. Chuck and I have decided that we were through having children. But we both would love a little girl; however, there are so many factors. Like our sanity. Like having children is expensive. Like we don't have enough room for another child in our home. Like our sanity (I know I already mentioned that, but it's worth repeating!) There's days when we both have our hands so full with the two boys that I am wondering how we can handle them. Who thought that we were ready for these two children? And yet, there is that feeling I have when I walk into the church. (Chuck says we should just stop going to church so I'll stop having these feelings :)) I have baby pains sometimes, where I'm holding a baby and think I like this. I want to do this again. But it's nothing compared to the knowledge I have when within the house of God that I'm not done.

    Saturday, January 28, 2006

    Scarleteen, the Internet Confessional, and Girls' Sexual Health

    Scarleteen is an online sex ed resource covering topics such as sexuality, sexually transmitted infections, and reproduction which is intended for teens and is very frank. The site is not run by health professionals, but by self-described "sexpert" Heather Corinna. The site also includes a message for parents on why direct, honest sexual education is important.

    Earlier this week, I stumbled upon Corinna's post about a crisis that seemed to be unfolding on Scarleteen's discussion forum. A user under the screen name Windowshopper posted the following question:
    "my boyfriend recently put his penis inside me, i don't think we had sex because it only lasted about 3 minutes, although he ejaculated i don't think i could be pregnent because we didn't actually have sex. He wasn't using contraception because i am a devoted Catholic and i don't believe in it.
    Upon being informed that, yes, she did in fact have sex and could possibly have become pregnant, the user responds that she feels stupid and though sex had to last at least 15 minutes to "count." She then asks if it's advisable to throw herself down the stairs in order to "get rid of it," even though she has not taken a pregnancy test. Oh, my.

    The user then posts additional topics indicating that she has been told she is pregnancy by the board's respondants (who actually told her she could have become pregnant - possibly) and is cutting into her vagina to try to "cut out the baby." Her posts are here and here.

    Corinna took this very seriously, but came to the conclusion that the storyline was a fake. She mentions in her blog that on past such occasions, she has become involved in reporting situations described on the user forums when a poster seemed to be in a dangerous situation.

    The entire incident is very disturbing. Assuming the story is true, Windowshopper is very uneducated about sex and her own body. She seems very conflicted in that she isn't willing to break Catholic doctrine about contraception, but breaks it for premarital sex. The internet may be a blessing in some ways, in that individuals who would have previously remained completely ignorant of some things can get information from resources such as Scarleteen. Interactive forums turn the web into a kind of online confessional, where users profess their lack of knowledge and seek out answers. However, situations such as Windowshopper's raise the question of just how involved providers of online information should be. Should a site owner such as Corinna feel compelled to track IPs and emails and intervene in someone's real (non-virtual) life? How does one weed out those who are posting outrageous questions and situations simply to create drama and get attention? How can people who are committed to bringing information to those in need combat a culture that seeks to keep young women ignorant of their bodies and so discourages honest, in-person conversations, leaving girls to turn to anonymous advisors online? A brief review of other questions on the Scarleteen forums demonstrates that there are many, many underinformed young women out there. These girls obviously have questions. The problem lies in whether or where they are going to get real, honest answers (online or not), and how equipped the online community is to deal with situations like Windowshopper's.

    Some resources related to sexual health for and about teens and girls:
  • Ten Tips for Parents to Help Their Children Avoid Teen Pregnancy and Talking Back: Ten Things Teens Want Parents to Know about Teen Pregnancy(National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy)
  • How Do I Know if I'm Pregnant? (JAMA Patient Page - PDF)
  • Sexual Health (multiple questions and answers for teens from the Nemours Foundation)
  • Especially for Teens: Birth Control (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, via Medem)
  • Homosexuality: Facts for Teens, STDs: Learn How to Protect Yourself, Sex: Take Time to Make the Right Decision, and What to Do if You Are Raped (American Academy of Family Physicians)
  • Sexual Health Glossary
  • (sexual health and STD info for teens from the American Social Health Association)
  • Human Sexuality: What Children Need to Know and When They Need to Know It (Planned Parenthood)
  • Making Health Sexual Decisions and Your First Pelvic Exam: A Guide for Teens (Center for Young Women's Health: Children's Hospital Boston)
  • How a Woman's Reproductive System Works (Association of Reproductive Health Professionals)
  • State policies on minors' access to sexual and reproductive health services (Guttmacher Institute)
  • For Teens and Young Women (links to a lot of sexual health information from the Feminist Women's Health Center)
  • Helping Yourself, Helping Others (sexual assault info from the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network)
  • (resource for teens on recognizing and stopping relationship violence)
  • SEX, ETC., A Website By Teens For Teens

    Technorati Tags: ; ; ; ;
    MeSH Tags: Sexual Behavior AND Adolescent
  • Vaginal Dryness Medications May Affect Breast Cancer Treatment

    A very small study published in the journal Annals of Oncology [pre-print article available for free as PDF] suggested that a particular drug for vaginal dryness (Vagifem) may counteract some of the beneficial effects of aromatase inhibitors (AI) used in breast cancer patients. The researchers measured levels of estradiol in six women on AI drugs who took Vagifem for up to 12 weeks. In some of the women, levels of estradiol were elevated after taking the medication. AI drugs act to reduce levels of estradiol, leading to the question of whether the vaginal dryness drug can reduce the efficacy of breast cancer drugs. The authors can not definitively answer this question; the study included only 7 women. Further research would be needed to fully understand the interactions between these two drugs and their effect on successful treatment of breast cancer. A summary is also provided from the National Women's Health Information Center.

    Related information:
  • Sexuality After Cancer Treatment: What Women Can Expect (
  • Understanding Breast Cancer Treatment: A Guide for Patients (National Cancer Institute)
  • Answers to frequently asked questions about breast cancer treatments (Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation)

    Technorati Tags: ; ;
    MeSH Tags: Aromatase Inhibitors; Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy
  • Friday, January 27, 2006

    Here is Good, Portland is Better

    Fit Pregnancy has ranked Nashville as the 18th best city to have a baby. Memphis came in at #49, while the top 5 were Portland, Boston, Minneapolis, San Francisco and Denver. You can view the complete list online; the page also lets you choose your own criteria and view a reordered list based upon your individual priorities.

    Criteria examined and Nashville's grades were affordability (B+), risk (D), breastfeeding (C+), birthing options (A-), stroller friendliness (F), fertility laws/resources (C+), access to hospitals/doctors (B), child care (D-), and safety (B). A summary of the good and bad in Nashville birthing is provided, and the survey sources and methods are also outlined.

    Technorati Tags: ;
    MeSH Tags: Parturition

    You'll Have to Leave Them in a Locker...

    An Ann Arbor, MI woman was asked not to breastfeed in the pool area of the YMCA where she is a member, because no food and drinks are allowed. It's interesting that the Y chose the food and drink policy to restrict breastfeeding, since lactating mothers are carrying food with them at all times (they haven't been banned from the pool area, only prevented from feeding their children there). YMCA officials also reported that breastfeeding was distracting to the lifeguards. I suppose it's too much to ask for the lifeguards to be professional and do their jobs, and wonder if breastfeeding is any more distracting to your average lifeguard than, say, swimsuits that look like this. Ann Arbor mothers are holding a nurse-in tomorrow to protest the policies. There is already a lengthy discussion of the YMCA's action over at Pandagon, and several letters to the editor from the Ann Arbor News with the local response.

    Technorati Tags: ; ;
    MeSH Tags: Breast Feeding

    Anger Attacks

    First of all, my jeans that *just* came out of the dryer (so you know that means that are a little tighter than usual) are LOOSE on me! Well, not like drop off my butt loose, but way looser than what they were last Friday when I wore them for casual Fridays at work! Yipee, Hooray, and Yay! It's a step in the right direction anyway!

    Secondly, I've been having problems with my anger for oh, about 3 years now. Since after having post partum depression with Zachary's birth. I have been directing my anger mostly towards my husband, and oh so sadly, the boys. Even for the smallest digression, on bad days I can blow up and cannot seem to control that. Then after I come down (usually about 2 hours later) I am wracked with guilt and remorse for being so hard on them and being such a, well, bitch. I had a friend tell me that it sounded like I was having anxiety attacks because I can feel it coming on, and is usually accompanied with stressful events, like what happened yesterday, but I'll talk about that in a moment. Anyway, after this happened AGAIN last night (after trying to calm down and take deep breaths and listening to calming music on the way home) I decided to get on the internet (dangerous stuff) and look at what anxiety attacks are about. That's when I found out about a sister to the anxiety attacks...the Anger Attacks.

    Anger Attacks
    *Irritable feelings in past 6 months (check)
    *Angry overreaction to small irritations (check)
    *1 or more anger attacks experienced in past month (double check)
    *Inappropriate anger directed towards others (check)
    *The occurrence of at least 4 of the following --
    -heart pounding, racing (check)
    -chest pains
    -shaking, trembling ( whole body tenses up and my insides shake)
    -shortness of breath (check)
    -dizziness, lightheadedness
    -tingling, itching skin (tingling, check)
    -fear of losing control (check)
    -intense fear, anxiety (check)
    -cold or hot flashes
    -feeling like attacking others (check)
    -attacking others (physically, verbally) (embarrassed check)
    -throwing, destroying objects

    I also found out that it's a sign or byproduct of unipolar depression. And low and behold, my birth control that I just started on can cause depression or worsen it with those people who already have it. Now, I typically don't feel depressed, but things have been overwhelming me this month. So I guess it comes and goes. Last month was good...the month before not so good, the month before that horrible. But, a lot has been going on in my life during those months so I thought nothing of it. So I'm going to call the dr. and make an appt and see if they can figure something out for me. I really would like to get back to being a happy, go-lucky, outgoing Lisa again. And I'm sure the boys and my hubby would as well.

    Now, as to what triggered my problem even more. When picking up the boys at daycare yesterday, the Asst Director approached me regarding Zachary. Apparently, there were two parents that approached her yesterday regarding my oldest's behavior. First, there is a girl who is terrified of Zachary. She is a little timid and shy, and he is very gregarious and well, in your face, literally and figuratively. The second girl, he apparently punched in the neck. No one saw the incident and no one knows exactly what happened, and the girl didn't say anything until that evening to her mother and then according to said mother "she cried ALL NIGHT long because it hurt so bad". So, they are "watching him more closely now". She then goes on to tell me that I need to be on the same page and enforce no hitting rules at home. Um, hello! Do ya think? So, I then asked if they were having any problems with Lucas Michael. She said just that he doesn't talk and it's frustrating for everyone involved and "we can't have this much longer". WHAT??? Can't have the fact that my 21 month old son isn't speaking yet? I informed her that Zachary didn't talk till he was over 2 and he speaks perfectly fine now...but maybe she's concerned that he learned his hitting behavior from not speaking and being frustrated....I don't know. Anyway, she said she's going to work with Lucas more on trying to get him to talk. So I discuss it with Chuck who tells me not to take it personally...she's not trying to call me a bad mom (which I totally feel like she was). Fast forward to this morning. I go in and talk to Zachary's teachers. Tell them that I without a doubt want to know about any disagreements, scuffles, hitting or pushing problems they have with him. I need to know and deal with it at home too. She then tells me that none of the other kids like Zachary or want to play with him because when they say they don't want to play he'll play with them anyway and push himself into their groups. Aren't they supposed to be learning social skills during preschool? Isn't that what we are paying TONS of bucks for? I told her that she needed to be firm with Zachary and let him know that it's not acceptable behavior and that just redirecting him without discussing that that behavior is a problem, will not teach him not to do it again. She then goes on to tell me that his stuttering problem (which I asked them to update me on 3 weeks ago) is getting WORSE. Well, of course it is! He's a sensitive kid who knows that the other kids don't like him and is feeling stressed about it and it's coming out in his stuttering...again! I am very irritated with the school as a whole for such poor communication...and so very very sad that no one likes Zachary.

    I know for a fact that Zachary isn't an angel but the threat was there to throw him out of the school/daycare if things don't get better. Well, if no one saw it how do they know what the circumstances were? What if it were an accident? Or she provoked him? Or did he actually hold her down and punch her repeatedly? It all makes a difference as to how I would approach the discipline of it. *sigh* Also, how about working and playing with the kids and showing them how to interact with each other? I don't know what the solution is, but I'm incredibly frustrated by the whole situation. It's hard for me not being able to just "fix" things for my family.

    Wednesday, January 25, 2006

    Ah, the little things....

    Last night, after bathtime and peanut butter rice krispie treat time, we settled down to watch 10 minutes of t.v. before bedtime. Zachary and I have been watching Skating with Celebrities the last couple of times that we watch "mommy t.v." and Zachary asked for it again last night. He told me that he loves watching it and wants to learn to skate like that. If you ask me, he just wants to be skating with all the pretty women from the show! Anyway, needless to say it wasn't on last night; however, American Idol was. He kept paying close attention to the judges when they were on. He kept saying "you see that girl" and then it would pan away from the judges...he would get would go back to the judges and he'd start saying it all over again, just to be interrupted as they went back to the contestant. Finally, he got to tell me what he wanted to.
    That girl (meaning Paula Abdul) looks just like Miss Kyla (from daycare). I asked him if he liked Miss Kyla (who is about 17 and really cute) and he got all shy and blushed. My 3 1/2 year old boy actually blushed talking about a girl! Anway, he said he does like Miss Kyla because she comes to his school every day and sometimes plays with him, but sometimes just tells his friends not to hit, and she's very pretty. What am I going to have on my hands when he turns 16!!!

    To top it all off he's super cute and charming and has the longest eye lashes I've ever seen! Just last night he was sitting on my lap and looks at me with those blue eyes and dark lashes and says "I love you, do you know that?" and this mommy's heart melt. He's getting so big as evidenced by the fact he doesn't want to sleep in our bed anymore, just his. He still wants me in there with him....but he'll sleep in his own bed, thank you.

    People have given me crap about sleeping with the boys and having to lay with them to put them to sleep, but really, I think I love the cuddles and need them just as much as they do. To me, there's nothing better than ending the day with my boys in my arms, telling me without words that I'm their mommy, keeping them safe from the world, from the dark, from any harm. That with me they feel comfortable. How can that be a bad thing? I knew the day would come when Zachary no longer wanted to sleep with us, but I hate seeing my baby boy get big.

    Lucas Michael was watching Nemo this morning after waking up about an hour early (during my 45 minutes of peace and quiet before I have to get the boys up *sigh* maybe tomorrow). As he was watching it, I was making lunches in the kitchen. I know this movie by heart, as it used to be Zachary's favorite movie at this age too. There is the part where the fish all scream as the diver's come to take Nemo away and Zachary always used to scream with them. I forgot about that until this morning when Lucas did the same thing. It was like a walk down memory lane. Needless to say, Zachary no longer does that. It's funny to me how the boys can be so different in some ways, but in little ways are so much alike.

    On a different topic, I went walking again yesterday. Yep, went last week with some other mommies and then again yesterday. I'll be walking on my own today. I honestly feel great after walking yesterday. Super sore, but I'm getting the hang of it. And then, this morning, I put my sweater on and I swear that's its bigger! I don't know if it's just a matter of my mind wishing it so, or if my eating better and cutting out the Mt. Dew is helping, but I'm happy about it anyways! Next step is to dig the scale out of the garage so I can actually start keeping track and keeping myself motivated.

    Monday, January 23, 2006

    Baby Words

    Oh, how I love the baby words. The misprounounciations of everything and the cute ways they have of saying their own words. And I'm even more ecstatic to hear Lucas Michael pronouncing words especially since a. he has never spoken much and b. I'm so sick to death of hearing my in-laws (mainly SIL) ask if he's talking yet because the nephew is and maybe I should take him to see a speech therapist (grr...). Anyway, last week alone he started saying all kinds of "Lucas words" and I still get giddy with each word. His daycare teacher said he's really been watching her lips whenever she talks or reads to him plus he's been asking to read a billion books a day, so I knew it would be soon that he'd start jabbering (plus he's nearing his second birthday) but I'm still so happy! Chuck says I'm stretching it, but he says the same "word" over and over for the same item. He's just mispronouncing it! Here's his newest words:

    eye ("ah")
    other eye *LOL* He really does say "otha ah"
    nose ("nahs")
    Hello or Hi ("elo")
    Jake ("ake")
    Nemo ("ema")

    He's says ZZZZ for Zachary and still calls Chuck Mama which is funny considering that Daddy was Zachary's very first word. Guess Lucas is a momma's boy!

    I'll hang onto the baby words for as long as possible, as long as I know what he's saying. Zachary is losing more and more of his baby words and it's really sad. In some ways it's a daily reminder that their childhood is fleeting.

    Sunday, January 22, 2006

    Weighty Issues

    There has been something that has been weighing on my mind very heavily for the last 2 weeks but even more so within the last 2 days. See, while my weight still continues to rise much to my dismay and wondermont, my husband's weight is steadily dropping-dramatically! At the beginning of last year he was squeezing into a size 50 pant, now...just this weekend...he got into a size 44 pant. And I'm sure he's dropped at least one shirt size...although he's still wearing his old ones. He was diagnosed bi-polar last September or so and we went through a rough time of wrong medications...but they've got him on this new medication that causes the takers to lose 2-3 lbs per week (and is working wonderful for as his mood stabilizer). Plus, eating better along with me and the boys and giving up regular Mt. Dew have caused a great weight loss. Don't get me wrong. I'm ECSTATIC that he's getting healthier and losing weight so we have less of a chance of dealing with the diabetes that afflicts his dad...but a part of me, a large part today, is incredibly jealous and down right pissy about it. But, then again, everything is seeming to bother me more this month. But some of it comes from the fact he's been dancing around for two days singing "I'm too sexy for my pants..." and the likes of that. Some of it has been from his comment of "Wow, you HAVE gained a lot of weight in a short amount of time" when I told him I could fit in the same pants he's wearing when I came home from the hospital after having Lucas less than 2 years ago (that wasn't meant to be derogatory and I know's more concern of why my weight has increased so fast...but it still hurts) and some of it comes from hearing him tell his friend on the phone tonight "well, my wife is a lot bigger so it took longer to feel the baby through all those layers" which is the truth but like I still hurts. Some of my jealousy and yes, a little fear, comes from the fact that I'm AFRAID that he's going to get skinny and hot, and leave me for someone smaller. I know that's an irrational fear because he loves me dearly and I know that, but that's where my self-esteems issues come into play I guess. He knows how upset I am by him losing and me NOT and has told me that he'll stop if I want him to be fat :) Which I of course don't. I want him to be healthy....I just wish I was doing as well as he is. I'm starting to think I need his shrink to start slipping me some of those magic pills!!!!!! So that's it. And of course the more upset I get, the more I eat because that's my one comfort item anymore. Some people smoke (gave that up 4 1/2 years ago), some people drink (well sure that sounds good but who can deal with a hangover and two toddlers? Plus, I'm not that big of a drinker) but I eat. So I guess I need to break that cycle first.

    Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

    On January 22, 1973, Roe v Wade was decided by the US Supreme Court. You can read the Court's decision online courtesy of FindLaw. Links below to two New York Times op/ed pieces and an NPR series on Roe.

    William Saletan - Three Decades After Roe, a War We Can All Support
    William Baud - States of Confusion
    30th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade - NPR News Series Examines Landmark Abortion Ruling

    Click the Technorati Tags below for links to blog pieces related to the topic:
    Technorati Tags: ; ; ;
    MeSH Tags: Abortion, Induced/legislation and jurisprudence; Supreme Court Decisions

    Saturday, January 21, 2006

    Option Ultrasound?

    I was listening to a radio interview by the infamous Dr. Dobson with a woman involved in creating and promoting Focus on the Family's "Option Ultrasound" program, which is increasingly employed by pregnancy resource centers to discourage women from choosing abortion. The idea is that if women see the fetus, they'll be less inclined to terminate the pregnancy. According to the program's website, 79% of PRC clients decide to carry their pregnancy to term after viewing the ultrasound. I have more questions than answers about this, and would like to hear what my readers have to say.

    On one hand, abortion is a serious decision, and perhaps ultrasounds help women more fully understand their pregnancy while making their choice. On the other hand, is this a form of emotional blackmail? A woman may feel warm and fuzzy at the point of the ultrasound, but that feeling is not going to support her through the pregnancy, is not going to erase poverty, abuse, rape, or health concerns that may cause a woman to choose abortion. It's not going to help her finish high school. It's not going to be accompanied by information on all of her options, but is going to be used as part of a campaign to get her to have a baby. Is coercion with no intent to fully inform an ethical use of medical technology?

    I only found two articles in medical journals on this topic. One is an editorial in the Journal of Medical Ethics titled "The Role of Medical Imaging in the Abortion Debate" [30(5): 426] - the full text of this is available for free online. In this editorial, the author takes on the notion that a fetus viewed through ultrasound can be seen to smile. The second piece, from the Journal of Medical Humanities, is titled, "Ultrasound: A Window to the Womb?: Obstetric Ultrasound and the Abortion Rights Debate" [25(1): 7-19, abstract only].

    So, what say you?

    Technorati Tags: ; ;
    MeSH Tags: Abortion, Induced; Ethics; Ultrasonography/ethics

    Another Late Entry to the WIC Conversation

    Some of the Nashville ladies got all nasty with each other this week, over the WIC program. I don't have a lot to say on this subject, except that I think it's usually a good thing when pregnant and breastfeeding women, infants and children who wouldn't have secure access to nutritious food can get that access. Brittney's roundups on NashvilleIsTalking are available here and here. Sarah Moore had two posts on the topic, focusing on women she sees as abusing the system, and stating,
    "There is no Constitutional right to have children. The government does not have to take care of your children just because you feel like having them. This does not mean that I want only the wealthy and privileged to spawn. Nathan and I wouldn’t be alive if that was the case, and that would leave such a sad emptiness in the world. I believe that most people can afford children with realigned priorities and some planning. I just have a problem with women who see only wonderful aspects to dependence on WIC. Are they going to teach responsiblity to their children?"
    Bad, Bad Ivy also had two posts, and points out that sex education and real solutions to poverty are more effective than simply demonizing women who might take advantage of WIC. Ivy also makes the valid point that birth control fails, so it's not necessarily true that women using WIC weren't trying to prevent pregnancy. I was surprised by how much animosity this topic seemed to evoke, with people blaming women for not waiting to have children, and generally expressing resentment that *some* women may not need all the support WIC provides. I understand that nobody likes waste or people gaming the system. However, that's going to happen in any large government program. You want changes to WIC eligibility or procedures, talk to your government. I think there probably are some problems with the types of food included and lack of breastfeeding support. Otherwise, maybe try not to demonize women because they're poor and had the audacity to give birth. Because being pro-life isn't just about approval of rich mothers, and should go beyond the moment of birth.

    The background:
  • Average Monthly Food Benefit Per Person (Person=Participant) ($37.50)
  • Answers to frequently asked questions about WIC - includes eligibility requirements, which are nutritional risk and/or income limits. For a family of 4, the income limit (before taxes) is $35,798.
  • $5.3 billion was appropriated for the program for 2005. Compare that to other government spending items here.
  • How WIC helps

    Technorati Tags: ;
    MeSH Tags: none - WIC AND nutrition*
  • Abortion News Roundup

    This week has seen several news items on abortion.

    Legislation (found via the Kaiser Network)
  • Arizona House Health Committee approves fetal pain notification bill
  • Utah House Health and Human Services committee passes parental consent and fetal pain bills, which move on to the full house

    Court Cases
  • The Supreme Court sends Ayotte vs Planned Parenthood of Northern New England back to the lower court. The case addressed New Hampshire's parental notification law for minors, which required the woman to wait 48 hours after written notice is delivered to a parent or guardian. The case centers on whether this restriction is unconstitutional, as it does not contain an exception for the health of the woman. The Court commented that completely invalidating the statute (which the lower court had previously done) may be unnecessary because the law includes a provision for physicians to ignore notification restrictions to prevent the minor's death. It's a bit confusing, but the Supreme Court's decision is available here as a PDF. The ACLU and Planned Parenthood response is here. The New Hampshire Attorney General's brief on the case is here (PDF), along with the office's response to the Court decision. The Kaiser Network has a more thorough explanation. The New York Times also covered the decision.

  • Who Decides? The Status of Women's Reproductive Rights in the United States - includes state law summaries, from NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation. (Found via Feministing)
  • San Francisco bus system features anti-abortion ads, angering some women (found via Feministing and Kaiser's Daily Women's Health Policy Report)

    Technorati Tags: ; ; ;
    MeSH Tags: Abortion, Induced/legislation and jurisprudence; Supreme Court Decisions
  • Friday, January 20, 2006

    New Year's Resolutions....

    "There is a skinny woman inside of me, screaming to get out. Fortunately, I can usually shut the bitch up with cookies"--Author Unknown

    Well, it's January and someone once said that you have until the end of January to start your resolutions. I have actually already started one but am working on the rest.

    1. Lose weight. And I'm not talking just a couple of pounds. My first goal is to lose 32 lbs by my birthday, April 28. I had thought about making it March 18, which is the Mother/Son dance here in my town, but I think that was unrealistic. (I'm well on my way to this goal, evidenced by making chocolate chip cookies with my boys Friday night and eating quite a few. *sigh* I'm having a hard time to say the least, but that's fodder for another post)

    2. Give up pop! YAY! I'm well on my way to this goal. I've had about 5 pops since January 1. Kudos to me!

    3. Become a more patient mommy. I love my boys beyond belief but I'm not the most patient person in the world. I also want to become more aggressive with people who tick me off so that I'm not so apt to take my frustrations out on the boys.

    4. Not let what my SIL and MIL say to me bother me. I get so worked up about how they think I'm a bad mom, that I get short with everyone in my life. I'm trying to be my own judge and not let everyone else judge me first....or at least take it personally.

    Well, that about does it. But really that covers a lot of topics! I thought maybe if I posted them than I'd have a more rigid guideline to follow and stay true to. Wish me luck!

    Part Two: Ten Things about my Boys

    Lucas Michael

    1. My baby. He was the easy birth. I actually started contractions at McDonald's while Zachary was playing in the playland. Chuck was angry that I was in McDonald's while I was laboring. I went to the hospital they sent me home and we went to Ponderosa with my mom and dad for dinner and I continued to labor there! The waitress wouldn't wait on our table...I'm sure I was quite a sight. I was having contractions every 2 minutes when we left to go to the hospital. 2 hours later I had Lucas in my arms breastfeeding.

    2. He took to breastfeeding like a natural...and ate up! He's still like that. This boy LOVES his food. He's far from being chubby, but he'll easily eat 3-4 pieces of sausage at a sitting. One night he ate two hamburgers...Lucas doesn't mess around when it comes to eating and never has.

    3. I LOVE his contagious, infectious smile. And his one dimple on the right side of his cheek. Just like his daddy. Lucas looks so much like his daddy and I love seeing it.

    4. Lucas was born with black hair that turned blonde, but has always had blue eyes...until recently where I've noticed he has a line of brown going through one half of one eye. It's the coolest thing in the world.

    5. He has a TEMPER! He started throwing tantrums at 6 months old! He loves to throw himself on the floor and start banging his head repeatedly. You'd think he'd learn that it hurts, but he still does it!

    6. Lucas has already had two black eyes, but many more scrapes and bruises. He's a little bruiser and LOVES getting into the scrap heap with his brother and older cousins. Nothing holds him down.

    7. Daredevil! One word. He loves anything where he can jump, or be thrown, from high places :)

    8. Lucas started walking at age 9 months, but still isn't talking much at 20 months. But he's very adept at communicating(he knows some signs) and if you can't figure it out still. He'll just do it himself.

    9. He's also a problem solver. It's nothing to find him piling things up or dragging things in from other rooms so that he can climb on them to get what he wants/needs. He's been doing this for months and it's always a source of frustration for me and for him when mommy foils his plans!

    10. You can already tell he's going to have a GREAT sense of humor. He loves to laugh and play games and tricks on people and generally mess with people. Like his brother. With Zachary being so anal, Lucas will do things just to get that reaction from Zachary and then laugh like crazy when he does!

    There you go...there's my interpretations of my two cutie patooties. I love them more than life itself and cherish every moment that they allow me to hold, cuddle, hug and kiss them. Because I know in a few years, they'll be too old for mom.

    Tag...I'm it!

    Well, I was tagged by Jenn on the boys' blog to write "Ten Things about my Boys". I decided since some of these things may be my own personal feelings about them I'd write about it here:


    1. My first-born. My induced labor child who made me swear I'd never be induced again. I fell in love with him immediately being laid upon my chest, bloody and covered in cheese, yet, blue. I was scared to death that he was dead. Then he wound himself up and started to cry. That's just like Zachary: takes him time to do everything, but when he does he does it with a bang!

    2. Zachary started walking at about 10 1/2 months old. Running at 12 months old, climbing before he could walk. He's a problem solver and while that is a frustration to no end, I'm also VERY proud of the fact that he is very independent and thinks things out for himself. He had learned how to push a chair up to the counter and climb onto the counter, get into the cupboards and get his snacks out himself at about 1 year old.

    3. I love watching him sleep. He used to use a binky while he was sleeping, but at 3 years old he told me he wanted the binky fairy to take it to his newest baby cousin so he could use them. He is an incredibly thoughtful child, and sometimes just a little too sensitive too...which brings me to:

    4. He cries when other kids don't want to play with him. He's typically very good about showing his emotions and he was about 2 1/2 when he went and sat down in the sandbox at the park looking very sad. I wandered over and asked what the problem was....he said he was very sad that the other kids didn't want to play with him, and didn't like him. It broke my heart. How do you explain the meanness of some kids to a little guy who just wants to make everyone happy?

    5. Zachary is incredibly opionated and always has been. I guess I've been cursed with a child who is almost exactly like me. We get into so many head on head battles and neither of us want to give in. I know this is not the end of this problem.

    6. Routine, routine, routine. This child of mine thrives on routine. I remember one time when a friend was watching him and gave Zachary a bath and Steve turned out the light when they were done. Zachary wasn't talking yet, but he threw the biggest fit for about 1 hour. Steve had no idea what the problem was. But, upon arriving home, we totally knew. Switching the light off is ZACHARY'S job! You cannot do things that aren't your job...or do them out of order. It throws his little world into a tither.

    7. He stayed at home with me during the day until he was 2 1/2. I loved and hated being home with him. I suffered from Post Partum depression with Zachary until he was 18 months old and never really connected the way I wanted to with him. We have a GREAT relationship now that I work days and am home every night with him.

    8. He looks JUST like me when I was his age....cut off my pigtails and you have Zachary.

    9. Zachary loves being a big brother. He has a tendency to try to be the mom/dad to Lucas but he's trying to keep him safe. Just this morning, Zachary leaned down and gave his brother hugs and kisses as we were leaving the house just because. I love seeing them like that.

    10. Zachary is a Grandma's boy. He LOVES his Grandma B and I CANNOT do anything when Grandma B is around. Forget that he loves his mommy, mommy who? Grandma's here! But I'm glad that he has that kind of relationship with his grandparents.

    I'll blog about Lucas stay tuned!

    Tuesday, January 17, 2006

    The Malaise of the Poke and Prod, or Health Information Overload

    I've been a lazy blogger this week, due to too much time spent around health professionals, looking up health information for a family member, and working in a medical library. I've had a malaise about health information in which I really could not bring myself to blog, or even read up on the latest news. If health information is liquor, I just downed a Jagerbomb after cleaning the place out of whiskey. Never fear, I'll be doing a bunch of catching up this weekend.

    To begin with, I had my annual gynecological exam. You should, of course, choose your own poke and prod provider based on your specific needs, but I really love the folks over at the West End Women's Health Clinic. I see a women's health nurse practitioner who is very attentive to my needs and concerns. She has outfitted her exam rooms with things like nice lighting, a bubbling fountain, soft classical music, and other touches such as a soft rug beside the exam table and a framed pencil drawing. It may sound cheesy, but it makes the room feel more comfortable and less clinical. She makes conversation throughout the exam, inquiring as to how grad school is going, if my husband has graduated yet, and making sure I'm happy with my contraceptive, etc. She makes a point to tell me what she's going to do before she does it. The high point was being told that my cervix is "so nice and healthy looking!" Seriously, ladies, this is the kind of treatment you should be getting from your gyn, treatment I've only gotten it from nurse practitioners and nurse-midwives.

    Next, I gave blood at a Red Cross drive, which I try to do every few months (although you can donate every 56 days). I have a rockin' bruise at the moment, although getting the needle in took only one try, and the woman taking my blood was also very attentive. I filled the pint bag with my O+ blood in just under 6 minutes. Ah, but the whole process took over an hour. As you might expect from a librarian-in-training, I really dislike poorly set-up systems and disorder. Actually, it infuriates me. With only ~10 people ahead of me at the drive, it still took 45 minutes+ to be screened. At least 2 people left because of the wait, and many more grumbled about the inconvenience, which was exacerbated by the fact that this was a workplace drive. I understand that the Red Cross folks may be volunteers, and giving blood is its own reward, but c'mon people. I have a few suggestions: 1) Establish order. We were directed to chairs where there was no discernable line, and the staff approached us to shout, "Who's next?" leaving it to the crowd to negotiate. Nobody likes that. 2) Set up some self-service. I waited nearly an hour to answer a few questions on a computer which took 5 minutes. Why not set up some computers, let us scan our donor cards and complete the questions, then queue up for vital signs? People shouldn't have to wait an hour to find out if they're eligible to donate. 3) Make sure your staff has what they need, are set up at fixed stations to perform specific tasks, and you have the right number of people. Watching people run around looking for things and hopping from station to station while people wait and stations sit empty is very frustrating. 4) I heard one drive worker say, "If it makes sense, it's not the Red Cross way." Fix that. But thanks for setting up the drive! :)

    Finally, I've been looking up information on behalf of a family member diagnosed with cancer. Health information requests for family and friends are the most difficult and exhausting, but also the most rewarding. I want to do a great job for everyone with a question, and that doesn't change if I don't know the person. With people you're close to, however, the stakes seem higher. The worst possible outcome is that you find out that the person has little hope, and the information you provide is going to make that clear to the family. That wasn't the case this time, but it is very hard to maintain a professional distance when working on this type of request. On the other hand, it's a pleasure to be able to contribute skills to help people you love. Tiring and fraught with peril, but rewarding.

    To two anonymous library patrons: you made my day. Thank you for being so appreciative that I returned your lost scarf, helped you with the photocopier, and shared the secret trick to getting your ID card fixed. It's so very nice to see a patron leave with a smile.

    Some resources related to my week:
  • Find a blood donation opportunity at
  • Sign up for blood donation and other health screening reminders at MyHealthTestReminder
  • See what blood types are urgently needed via the Nashville Area Red Cross's website (they'll type your blood the first time you donate)
  • Pap test (from the Nat'l Women's Health Information Center)
  • Schedule of recommended screenings and immunizations for women
  • What is a nurse practitioner? (from the American College of Nurse Practitioners)
  • National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health
  • - includes a searchable directory
  • Choosing a certified nurse-midwife
  • National Cancer Institute - lots of patient-friendly information
  • Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • - searchable database of trials

    Technorati tags:; ; ; ; ;
    MeSH Tags: Blood Donors; Librarians; Neoplasms AND Complementary Therapies; Nurse Practitioners
  • Monday, January 16, 2006

    In Honor of Martin Luther King, Jr

    On the day when we stop to reflect on the civil rights movement in America, I ask that you read my previous post on trafficking in persons. Despite our progress as a nation toward equality for all colors and kinds, there are still slaves in this country, women and children who are sexually abused and held against their will. In honor of Dr. King, take a moment to learn about the plight of the powerless, and what you can do to make your little corner of the world better.

    On a relatively local note:
    You might not be aware of this, but Dr. King and Rosa Parks both participated in trainings and events in East Tennessee, at the Highlander Research and Education Center (formerly the Highlander Folk School). A history of the Center is available online, including photos of these legendary figures, and a tribute to Parks detailing her connection to Highlander. The Center continues to provide training, space, and resources to groups and individuals working for justice and human rights.

    Technorati Tags: ; ; ;

    Sunday, January 15, 2006

    The Hidden Slavery in America

    On Tuesday, President Bush signed into law the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005, stemming from HR 972. The bill includes provisions to incorporate anti-trafficking and protection measures for vulnerable populations, particularly women and children, into their post-conflict and humanitarian emergency assistance and program activities and authorizes the Attorney General to make grants to States and local law enforcement agencies for programs to investigate and prosecute domestic trafficking in persons. The legislation is also intended to reduce demand for sex slaves, although it is not entirely clear how or if this will be effective.

    According to a Department of Justice fact sheet:
    "The full dimensions of the problem of human trafficking are difficult to measure. We do know, however, that human trafficking is a major source of profit for organized crime syndicates, along with trafficking in drugs and guns. The scope of the problem in the United States is serious: the U.S. Government estimates that approximately 50,000 women and children are trafficked into the United States annually.

    Victims are often lured into trafficking networks through false promises of good working conditions and high pay as domestic workers, factory and farm workers, nannies, waitresses, sales clerks, or models. Once in this country, many suffer extreme physical and mental abuse, including rape, sexual exploitation, torture, beatings, starvation, death threats, and threats to family members. It is believed that most victims who are trafficked are isolated and remain undetected by the public because 1) the strategies used by the perpetrators isolate victims and prevent them from coming forward, and 2) the public and the victim service providers have only recently become aware of this issue and may not be familiar with how to recognize or respond to trafficking victims."
    Many offenders are not being brought to justice however. According to another DOJ report,
    "In Fiscal Year 2004, DOJ filed 29 human trafficking cases, almost equaling the 33 total that were filed in the three previous years combined. In Fiscal Year 2004, DOJ initiated prosecutions against 59 traffickers, the highest number ever prosecuted in a single year. More than half (32) of those defendants were charged with violations created by the TVPA, and all but one of those cases involved sexual exploitation. In Fiscal Year 2004, DOJ obtained a record number of convictions against 43 traffickers, the highest number ever obtained in a single year."
  • How to recognize trafficking victims
  • Trafficking in persons - information from the US Department of Justice, including how to report trafficking
  •, The Online Research and Training Center
  • Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
  • Concerned Women for America - Sex Trafficking
  • Amnesty International USA - Human Trafficking
  • Human Rights Watch - Trafficking

    PBS show To The Contrary featured a compelling discussion of this issue today. They do not make video available online, but you can order transcripts/videos from the show if you're interested. I was not fully aware of the scope of this problem until viewing this episode, which presents commentary on the issue, causes, and the recent law.

    Technorati Tags: ; ; ;
  • Saturday, January 14, 2006

    My Yahoo! Answers, Part 1

    As I mentioned in a previous post, I've been contributing some information to the Yahoo! Answers website. Periodically, I'll link to the topics I've contributed to in the Health & Beauty category (not just women's health) of the site that might be of general interest. After viewing Yahoo!'s copyright policies, I'm not comfortable reposting my full comments here; I'll link to the question so you can view all responses and some relevant resources I found instead. I have reworded the questions in some instances; my internal grammar police squad wouldn't allow as-is transcription. :)

  • Where can you send healthy cut hair to benefit a child?
    Resources: Locks of Love; Wigs for Kids (added by another answerer)

  • I need articles on the question, "Do speed limits save people's lives?"
    Resources: Google Scholar search for "speed limits" fatalities

  • Where would I get information to hire an in-home nurse to care for my grandmother who is sick?
    Resources: Medicare Home Health Compare (searchable database of local agencies and services); Family Caregiver Alliance (advice for hiring in-home help)

  • How do I take care of my tracheostomy?
    Resources: Tracheostomy Care (American Head and Neck Society)

  • I'm getting birth control for the first time and would like some feedback (in which the question-asker is berated by other users for being immoral and killing babies...)
    Resources: What kind of birth control is right for you? (FDA); Choosing a birth control methods (interactive quiz to assist in making contraceptive choices); Frequently asked questions about birth control methods

  • Has anyone tried the softcup? What do you think?
    Resources: The Keeper (another menstrual fluid collection cup); Diva Cup (same as the Keeper, but made of silicone instead of rubber); Alternative Menstrual Products: A Guide for Teens. Links to the Keeper and Diva Cup were provided as reusable alternatives to the Instead SoftCup, as I'm not a fan of the product.

  • Is it safe for women to eat lunch meat while they are pregnant?
    Resources: Food-borne Risks in Pregnancy (March of Dimes); Processed Meats: A Health Concern in Pregnancy? (; Listeria Infections ( These sites recommend reheating hot dogs and luncheon meat until steaming hot to reduce the risk of listeria infection.

  • What is gynecomastia?
    Resources: Gynecomastia: When Breasts Form in Males ( - explains causes and treatment options)

  • How does breast cancer go away?
    Resources: Breast Cancer Treatment (information for patients from the National Cancer Institute)

  • What are the bad side effects of the drug Lupron?
    Resources: MedlinePlus Drug Information for leuprolide

  • How do I find the name of a prescription pill based on its description?
    Resources: pill identification database; RxList; another user correctly mentioned the PDR.

  • What is the word for the onset of menstruation?
    Resources: MedlinePlus Medical Dictionary (the answer is "menarche")

  • What are tampons?
    Resources: A Guide to Using Your First Tampon (information on tampons, how to use them, and risks)

    Technorati Tags: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    (no MeSH tags for this one - too many topics!)
  • Women's Health Research Year in Review

    A recent issue of Annals of Internal Medicine includes the article "Update in Women's Health,[143(11): 823-829]" which reviews the 2005 research articles most relevant to internal medicine. The findings, as summarized by the authors and with links to information relevant to the terms used throughout, were:

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging Was More Sensitive than Ultrasound, Mammography, or Clinical Breast Examination for Detecting Breast Cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers
    [JAMA. 2004;292(11):1317-25]

  • Exemestane Therapy after 2 to 3 Years of Tamoxifen Therapy Improved Survival Compared with 5 Years of Tamoxifen Therapy Alone
    [N Engl J Med. 2004;350(11):1081-92]

  • Ovarian Cancer Should Be Considered in Women with Increased Abdominal Size, Bloating, Urinary Urgency, and Pelvic Pain
    [JAMA. 2004;291(22):2705-12]

  • Physicians Frequently Perform Unnecessary Papanicolaou Tests in Women Who Have Undergone Hysterectomy
    [JAMA. 2004;291(24):2990-3]

  • New Guidelines for Heart Disease Prevention in Women [Circulation. 2004;109(5):672-93]

  • Conjugated Equine Estrogen Was Not Effective for Chronic Disease Prevention
    [JAMA. 2004;291(14):1701-12]

  • Soy Did Not Improve Cognitive Function, Bone Mineral Density, or Serum Lipid Profiles in Postmenopausal Women
    [JAMA. 2004;292(1):65-74]

  • Alendronate Therapy Is Safe To Use over a 10-Year Period
    [N Engl J Med. 2004;350(12):1189-99]

  • Long-Term Weekly Fluconazole Suppresses but Does Not Cure Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
    [N Engl J Med. 2004;351(9):876-83]

    Technorati Tags: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
    MeSH Tags: Alendronate; Breast Neoplasms; Candidiasis, Vulvovaginal; Estrogens, Conjugated; Fluconazole; Genes, BRCA1; Genes, BRCA2; Heart Diseases; Hysterectomy; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Menopause; Ovarian Neoplasms; Soy Foods; Vaginal Smears
  • WebMD health blogs

    WebMD now hosts several blogs, several of which are written by medical professionals. These include blogs on pregnancy (authored by a male OB/GYN), genital herpes, heart disease (both by registered nurses), and sexual health. Additional blogs by patients are available on other health topics.
    (found via Kevin, M.D.)

    Technorati Tags: ; ; ; ;
    MeSH Tags: Herpes Genitalis; Heart Diseases; Pregnancy; Sexual Behavior OR sexual health

    Thursday, January 12, 2006

    Your Invitation to Delurk

    According to some blogger types, this is International Delurking Week, during which you should post comments to blogs you read but don't often or ever respond to. If you have any comments on this blog overall, thoughts on specific posts, suggestions, or complaints, I'd be happy to have them!

    Technorati Tags:


    Nipplephobia: "an acute mental disorder that is epidemic in North America. It causes irrational behavior and rudeness to mothers who are providing the best nourishment for their babies."

    This definition was published in a 1998 piece by Debbie Friedman in The Birth Gazette. She goes on to write:
    Ina May Gaskin, a widely-respected midwife of many years and editor of the Birth Gazette, coined the term and adds that nipplephobia is cured by visual stimulus overload. In lay lingo, this means watching great numbers of women breastfeed their children in public places.

    It's not that Americans don't like to see breasts. Shove breasts in tight swim suits on Baywatch, and ratings, among other things, rise. Breasts are used successfully, with few, if any, complaints to sell everything from cars to vacations. Why is it that when a baby, or worse yet, a toddler, is put to its mothers breast many Americans get angry and offended?

    The reasons are plentiful: a general lack of education and support, a shortage of Baby-Friendly hospitals and staff, confused and narrow ideas about sexuality, mixed up feminist ideology that equates breastfeeding with repression of women, and sophisticated and aggressive marketing of infant formula, to name only a few. Nipplephobia is as good a theory as anything else put forth, and maybe, just maybe, there are small signs of the cure creeping into our collective consciousness.
    The author goes on to examine representations of breastfeeding in media, suggesting that the more images of breastfeeding women are visible, the less resistance mothers will experience.

    There seem to be considerable misperceptions about breastfeeding in the United States, and I wonder if these also contribute to attitudes toward breastfeeding women. A 2002 study published in the Journal of Human Lactaction [18(3): 227-235] surveyed 2,351 U.S. residents, and found that:

  • 31% thought babies should be fed cereal or baby food by 3 months of age

  • 31% thought one-year-olds should not be breastfed.
    With regards to this and the previous point, according to the CDC, "the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that breastfeeding continue for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mother and baby desire. The World Health Organization recommends continued breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond."

  • 27% thought it was embarrassing for a mother to breastfeed in front of others (if nearly 1/3 of people think breastfeeding is embarrassing, is it any wonder Gaskin came up with her "nipplephobia" description?) Less-educated, lower income, rural, and unemployed respondants were more likely to agree that breastfeeding was embarrassing.

    A similar study published in a 2004 issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association [104(7): 1162-1168] found that 43.1% of respondants believed women should have the right to breastfeed in public places, yet only 27.9% thought it was appropriate to show a breastfeeding woman on television. Finally, a 2005 article in the Journal of Human Lactaction [21(3): 284:288] found regional variation in support of breastfeeding women (and by extension, their babies), with survey participants in the East South Central region (TN, KY, MS, AL) having the least accurate responses to questions about how breastfeeding affects babies' health and the lowest levels of support for breastfeeding on tv and in public. We're conflicted, y'all. And in a lot of cases, we don't actually know what we're talking about.

    Technorati Tags:
    MeSH Tags: Breast Feeding
  • Breastfeeding Rights and Attitudes

    Today's Tennessean has a piece titled "Breast-feeding in public may get protections." Stemming from publicity surrounding an incident in which a Williamson County mother encountered problems breastfeeding in the local recreation center, County officials have apparently stated that the activity will be allowed in any public buildings. At the state level, Republican Reps. Susan Lynn and Glen Casada are planning to introduce a breastfeeding bill in the next general session that would cover public spaces statewide (not private buildings and businesses). The article, in a review of some locations' policies, mentions that Calypso Cafe in Cool Springs accepts breastfeeding - kudos to them, and manager Matt Whitford! Also in the piece:
    Says Michelle Collins, a certified nurse midwife at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, said she found it ludicrous that legislation was needed to protect a woman's right to breast-feed in public. "In our country there's this phobia about breast-feeding, but you can wear a shirt that shows more," Collins said. "In other countries women breast-feed where and when they want and it's not a big deal."
    The Tennessean article has an associated comment board where users can post their opinions, with mixed opinions thus far. Nashville Knucklehead and Enclave also have posts on the story. Still waiting on comment from Franklin Circus, who previously called the mother who wanted to breastfeed in view of others at the rec center, "a spoiled kid who was never told no or spanked when she was young." Classy, right?

    Some breastfeeding information:
  • Easy Guide to Breastfeeding (PDF file - National Women's Health Information Center)
  • Coping With Breastfeeding Challenges (NWHIC)
  • (Breastfeeding info from the American College of Nurse-Midwives)
  • Breastfeeding and the Law (La Leche League)
  • La Leche League International, and Tennessee LLL groups

    La Leche League has a particularly helpful page on breastfeeding in public and handling others' comments. In addition to general advice for mothers, they provide a list of comebacks for the harrassed breastfeeder:

    "You can't do that here."
    "Please show me a copy of the regulation against feeding my baby."

    "You have to do that in the bathroom."
    "I thought it was against health regulations to serve food in a restroom."

    "Wouldn't you be more comfortable elsewhere?"
    "I'm fine here. Thank you for your concern!"

    Technorati Tags:
    MeSH Tags: Breast Feeding
  • Tuesday, January 10, 2006

    Sex Drive and the Pill

    The New York Times today published an article titled "When the Pill Arouses That Urge for Abstinence." The piece discusses the possibility that the use of oral contraceptives can reduce sex drive in women, inspired by a recent study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine which suggested that women on the pill may experience reduced sexual desire even a few months after they stop taking it, due to increased levels of a protein that inhibits testosterone, thereby inhibiting the woman's interest in sex. The article indicates that women have reported this side effect for some time to their doctors, yet women are often not informed of this possibility when prescribed the drug. According to the NYT article, "...some doctors who prescribe oral contraceptives said that if they were to discuss sexual dysfunction, they might influence patients' expectations, setting off the problem." In my opinion, this statement is insulting to the intelligence of women, and violates their right to informed consent. If physicians are aware of potential problems with a medication, these should be disclosed to the woman so she can make an educated choice about whether she wishes to take the pill.

    The topic is somewhat controversial, as researchers don't agree about the mechanism or cause of decreased desire, and there have been a limited number of studies on the problem. The studies I found on the issue were very few, and seemed to disagree on the scope and nature of the problem. It seems that given the length of time oral contraceptives have been in use, a more definitive answer should be available to women. The folks over at Feministing also have something to say on the issue.

    Technorati Tags: ; ;
    MeSH Tags: Contraceptives, Oral/adverse effects; Libido/drug effects; Sexual Behavior/drug effects; Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/chemically induced

    Monday, January 9, 2006

    January is National [blank] Month

    According to a website of 2006 National Health Observances, January is National Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, Glaucoma Awareness Month, Thyroid Awareness Month, Birth Defects Prevention Month, and Blood Donor Month.

    Birth Defects
  • Birth Defects and Genetic Conditions (March of Dimes Foundation)
  • MedlinePlus: Birth Defects (National Library of Medicine)

    Blood Donation
  • Blood Donation Eligibility Guidelines (American Red Cross)
  • What to Expect When Donating Blood (American Red Cross)
  • GiveLife - find out where to give blood (American Red Cross)

    Cervical Cancer
  • What You Need to Know About Cancer of the Cervix (National Cancer Institute)
  • Cervical Cancer Risk Questionnaire (Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention)
  • Pap Tests & Cervical Health - A Healthy Habit for You (National Cancer Institute)

  • Glaucoma: What You Should Know (National Eye Institute)
  • About Glacoma (The Glaucoma Foundation)

  • MedlinePlus: Thyroid Diseases (National Library of Medicine)
  • Patient Resources (American Thyroid Association)

    Technorati Tags: ; ; ; ;
    MeSH Tags: Abnormalities; Blood Donors; Glaucoma; Thyroid Diseases; Uterine Cervical Neoplasms